Uses of Interface

Packages that use ContentDelta

Uses of ContentDelta in gzz.diff

Classes in gzz.diff that implement ContentDelta
 class SimpleContentDelta
          A change for cell content.

Methods in gzz.diff that return ContentDelta
 ContentDelta SimpleContentDelta.inverse()
 ContentDelta DeltaCellTexter.checkpointDelta()
          Get the set of changes.
 ContentDelta DeltaCellTexter.getDeltaFromZero()
          Get the set of changes needed to take a CellTexter from zero to the current state of this CellTexter.
 ContentDelta Delta.getContentDelta()
          Get the changes to cell contents.
 ContentDelta ContentDelta.inverse()
          Get the inverse of this change.

Methods in gzz.diff with parameters of type ContentDelta
 void DeltaCellTexter.applyDelta(ContentDelta m)
          Apply a delta to this space.

Constructors in gzz.diff with parameters of type ContentDelta
Delta(java.util.Map dimChanges, ContentDelta contentDelta)

Uses of ContentDelta in gzz.impl

Methods in gzz.impl that return ContentDelta
 ContentDelta SimpleDeltaVStreamTexter.checkpointDelta()
 ContentDelta SimpleDeltaVStreamTexter.getDeltaFromZero()

Methods in gzz.impl with parameters of type ContentDelta
 void SimpleDeltaVStreamTexter.applyDelta(ContentDelta m)