Uses of Interface

Packages that use Dim
gzz gzz 

Uses of Dim in gzz

Methods in gzz that return Dim
 Dim Space.getDim(Cell name)
          Get a dimension by cell.
 Dim Space.getDim(java.lang.String s)
          Get a dimension by cell id.
 Dim Space.getCloneDim()
          Get the clone dimension of this space.

Methods in gzz with parameters of type Dim
 Cell Space.N(Cell inSlice, Dim dim, int dir, Obs o)
          Create a new cell in the same slice as the given cell, and connect it in the direction given.
 Cell Cell.N(Dim dim, int dir)
          Create a new cell connected to this cell.
 Cell Cell.N(Dim dim)
 Cell Cell.getOrNew(Dim dim, int dir, Obs o)
          Get or create a new cell connected to this cell.
 Cell Cell.getOrNew(Dim dim, int dir)
 Cell Cell.getOrNew(Dim dim)
 Cell Cell.N(Dim dim, int dir, Obs o)
          Create a new cell connected to this cell and attach an observer to it atomically.
 void Cell.excise(Dim dim)
          Delete this cell from a rank along a dimension.
 void Cell.connect(Dim dim, Cell to)
          Connect this cell to another along a dimension.
 void Cell.connect(Dim dim, int dir, Cell to)
          Connect this cell to another along a dimension in a specified direction.
 void Cell.insert(Dim dim, int dir, Cell what)
          Insert a cell next to this one in the rank.
 void Cell.disconnect(Dim dim, int dir)
          Disconnect another cell from this cell.
 Cell Cell.s(Dim dim, int steps, Obs o)
          Find the neighbour of this cell along a dimension and attach an observer to this relation atomically.
 Cell Cell.s(Dim dim, int dir)
          Find the neighbour of this cell along a dimension atomically.
 Cell Cell.s(Dim dim)
 Cell Cell.s(Dim dim, Obs o)
          Find the next cell along a dimension.
 Cell Cell.h(Dim dim)
          Find the headcell of a rank.
 Cell Cell.h(Dim dim, int dir)
 Cell Cell.h(Dim dim, int dir, boolean ensuremove)
 Cell Cell.h(Dim dim, int dir, boolean ensuremove, Obs o)
          Find the headcell of a rank.
 void Cell.hop(Dim dim, int steps)
          Hops the cell along the dimension.

Uses of Dim in gzz.client

Fields in gzz.client declared as Dim
 Dim Fallback.FallbackDim.d
 Dim[] Fallback.Win.dims

Methods in gzz.client that return Dim
 Dim[] Fallback.Win.getDims()

Methods in gzz.client with parameters of type Dim
static Cell[] Params.getCells(Cell start, Dim dim, int nmax, Obs obs)
static java.lang.String[] Params.getStrings(Cell start, Dim dim, int nmax, Obs obs)
static int[] Params.getInts(Cell start, Dim dim, int nmax, Obs obs)

Constructors in gzz.client with parameters of type Dim
Fallback.FallbackDim(java.lang.String name, Dim d)

Uses of Dim in gzz.impl

Classes in gzz.impl that implement Dim
 class AbstractDim
          Abstract implementation of Dim with standard implementations for most methods.
 class NormalDim
          An extension of SimpleDim that supports Deltas; the standard dimension used in Gzz.
 class SimpleDim
          A simple, modifiable ZZ dimension.

Methods in gzz.impl that return Dim
protected  Dim SimpleDim.SimpleDimManager.createDim(Cell name)
protected  Dim NormalDim.NormalDimManager.createDim(Cell name)
 Dim ModularSpace.getDim(Cell name)
 Dim ModularSpace.getCloneDim()
 Dim DimManager.getDim(Cell name)
          Get a dimension by cell.
 Dim AbstractSpace.getDim(java.lang.String s)
abstract  Dim AbstractSpace.getCloneDim()
protected abstract  Dim AbstractDimManager.createDim(Cell name)
          Create the dimension for the given name.
 Dim AbstractDimManager.getDim(Cell id)

Methods in gzz.impl with parameters of type Dim
 Cell ModularSpace.N(Cell inSlice, Dim dim, int dir, Obs o)

Uses of Dim in gzz.index.impl

Fields in gzz.index.impl declared as Dim
protected  Dim

Uses of Dim in gzz.view

Methods in gzz.view that return Dim
 Dim[] ZZViewContext.getDims()
 Dim[] ViewContext.getDims()
          Get the dimension list.
 Dim[] AbstractViewContext.getDims()

Methods in gzz.view with parameters of type Dim
 void center, Dim[] dims)
 void AbstractViewContext.setDims(Dim[] dims)

Constructors in gzz.view with parameters of type Dim
CoordinatePlaneMultiView(Dim d_rank, Dim d_coords)
CoordinatePlaneMultiView(Dim d_rank, Dim d_coords)
CoordinatePlaneView(Dim d_rank, Dim d_coords)
CoordinatePlaneView(Dim d_rank, Dim d_coords)
Cell1DBuoyHook(Cell1DBuoyHook.Floater leftfloater, Cell1DBuoyHook.Floater rightfloater, Dim d_clone, Dim d_assoc)
Cell1DBuoyHook(Cell1DBuoyHook.Floater leftfloater, Cell1DBuoyHook.Floater rightfloater, Dim d_clone, Dim d_assoc)

Uses of Dim in gzz.view.buoy

Constructors in gzz.view.buoy with parameters of type Dim
PPLinker(Dim d_clone, Dim d_assoc)
PPLinker(Dim d_clone, Dim d_assoc)

Uses of Dim in gzz.zzutil

Constructors in gzz.zzutil with parameters of type Dim
RankList(Cell onRank, Dim dim)