Uses of Interface

Packages that use Index

Uses of Index in gzz.impl

Methods in gzz.impl that return Index
 Index SimpleVStreamTexter.getEnfiladeOverlap()

Uses of Index in gzz.index

Methods in gzz.index that return Index
 Index XuIndexer.getForwardIndex()
          Get an Index which, for Enfilade1Ds, returns all XuLink objects where the given enfilade overlaps the from member.
 Index XuIndexer.getBackwardIndex()
 Index IndexedVStreamCellTexter.getEnfiladeOverlap()
          Get an Index that, passed an enfilade or span, returns all cells whose span content overlaps with the passed enfilade or span.
static Index IndexManager.getEnfiladeOverlap(Space s)
          Get an index which returns, for a given enfilade, all cells of the space which contain an overlapping xanalogical region.

Uses of Index in gzz.index.impl

Classes in gzz.index.impl that implement Index
 class EnfiladeOverlapIndex
          A simple index which returns all entries whose enfilade overlaps with the given one.
protected  class SpaceXuIndexer.MyIndex

Methods in gzz.index.impl that return Index
 Index TransientXuIndexer.getForwardIndex()
 Index TransientXuIndexer.getBackwardIndex()
 Index SpaceXuIndexer.getForwardIndex()
 Index SpaceXuIndexer.getBackwardIndex()

Uses of Index in gzz.view.buoy

Fields in gzz.view.buoy declared as Index
 Index ScrollblockCellLinker.enfiladeOverlap