In file gfx/libmosaic/Mosaic.hxx:

class Mosaic::Id

A pointer-semantics object representing a single texture.


A pointer-semantics object representing a single texture. Must be explicitly allocated and returned.

This is a very low-level class, containing simply the GLuint texture object identifier.



Public Methods

[more] Id ()
Create a new texture id object.
[more] ~Id ()
Destroy a texture id - note that the OpenGL texture itself is NOT deallocated by this.
[more]void alloc ()
Change this texture id to a newly allocated OpenGL texture id
[more]void free ()
Free the OpenGL texture object referred to by this object.
[more]void bind (GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D) const
Cause OpenGL to bind this texture
[more]bool operator== (const Id &t) const
Compare two Ids -- usual semantics
[more]bool operator!= (const Id &t) const
Compare two Ids -- usual semantics
[more]bool isGood ()
True if this id is allocated.
[more]GLuint getTexId ()
Break encapsulation for JNI ;)

o Id()
Create a new texture id object. Newly created objects are set to "null".

o ~Id()
Destroy a texture id - note that the OpenGL texture itself is NOT deallocated by this. The texture must be explicitly freed by calling free().

ovoid alloc()
Change this texture id to a newly allocated OpenGL texture id

ovoid free()
Free the OpenGL texture object referred to by this object. Note that the Id objects follow pointer semantics so using a copy of the Id after freeing another copy will do undefined (probably bad) stuff.

ovoid bind(GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D) const
Cause OpenGL to bind this texture

obool operator==(const Id &t) const
Compare two Ids -- usual semantics

obool operator!=(const Id &t) const
Compare two Ids -- usual semantics

obool isGood()
True if this id is allocated. This test only checks whether the Id is null or not.

oGLuint getTexId()
Break encapsulation for JNI ;)

This class has no child classes.
ostream& operator<<(ostream &o, const Id &t)

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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