Uses of Class

Packages that use Cursor

Uses of Cursor in org.fenfire.loom

Fields in org.fenfire.loom declared as Cursor
protected  Cursor Loom.cursor

Methods in org.fenfire.loom with parameters of type Cursor
 void WheelView.renderSomewardConnections(VobScene sc, int into, int focusCs, Cursor c, Pair focus, Pair oldFocus, java.util.Collection nodes, int before, int dir, double starta, double rota, float r, int midx, int midy, int depth)
          Render either posward or negward connections (or onward, maybe).
protected  void WheelView.renderDepth(VobScene sc, int into, int focusCs, Cursor c, Pair focus, Pair oldFocus, int dir, double starta, double rota, float r, int midx, int midy, int depth)
          Determines how the next depth should be drawn and finally calls renderSomewardConnections.
 void WheelView.render(VobScene sc, int into, Cursor c)
          View render function
protected  double WheelView.getRotationAngle(Cursor c, java.util.Collection nodes, double angle, int depth)
          Calculates rotation angle for a collection of nodes.
protected  java.util.Collection WheelView.getNodes(Cursor c, Resource node, int dir)
          Get pairs of nodes and their properties in given direction
protected  java.util.Collection WheelView.getNodes(Cursor c, int dir)
protected  int WheelView.getSubNodeCount(Cursor c, java.util.Collection nodes, int depth)
          Recursive function to calculate all the subconnections in some direction.
 void View.render(VobScene sc, int into, Cursor c)
protected  void SundewWheelView.renderDepth(VobScene sc, int into, int focusCs, Cursor c, Pair focus, Pair oldFocus, int dir, double cura, double rota, float r, int midx, int midy, int depth)
          Determines how the next depth should be drawn and finally calls renderSomewardConnections.
 void SimpleView.render(VobScene sc, int into, Cursor c)