Package org.fenfire.loom

org.nongnu.navidoc.util org.nongnu.storm org.nongnu.alph org.nongnu.libvob org.fenfire The Fenfire Project org.nongnu.navidoc.util org.nongnu.storm org.nongnu.alph org.nongnu.libvob org.fenfire The Fenfire Project javadocs
Interface Summary
ColorScheme A color scheme for the Loom editor.
NodeView A view rendering a single node in an RDF graph.
StatementSelector An object selecting statements to show in a loom view.
View A simple RDF structure view.

Class Summary
ColorScheme.LightColorScheme A simple implementation of ColorScheme.
Cursor A Loom cursor position in an RDF graph.
DefaultNodeView The default node view for Loom.
Loom The main Fenfire Loom application.
LoomBindings The key and mouse bindings for Loom.
LoomMenuBar The menu bar code for Loom.
LoomVobMatcher A VobMatcher that knows about Loom-like connections.
ModelUtil Utility methods for RDF models.
NamespaceMap A class mapping XML namespace abbreviations like "rdf:" to namespace URIs.
NodeView.Nodespec Information about a node to be rendered.
PropertiesBox A list box allowing properties from a model to be selected and unselected.
PropertySetSelector A StatementSelector selecting all statements whose property is in a given set.
RDFVocab A class containing URIs from the rdf namespace.
SimpleOrder A simple lexical order of statements.
SimpleView A very simple view of an RDF graph.
StatementSelector.SimpleSelector The posward or negward connections of focus to show, in order.
SundewWheelView A sundew like simple wheel view.
WheelView A simple wheel view.
ViewSettings Loom view settings: Stores the 'current' view.