Uses of Interface

Packages that use BuoyViewNodeType

Uses of BuoyViewNodeType in gzz.view.buoy

Classes in gzz.view.buoy that implement BuoyViewNodeType
 class BuoyAdaptor
          A class that allows different cell-based views to be connected easily to a buoy view, separating the viewing and linking.

Fields in gzz.view.buoy declared as BuoyViewNodeType
 BuoyViewNodeType ScrollblockCellLinker.transclusionPageSpanNodeType
 BuoyViewNodeType ScrollblockCellLinker.xulinkPageSpanNodeType
          Node type to use for showing scrollblocks xulinked to.
 BuoyViewNodeType ScrollblockCellLinker.cellNodeType

Methods in gzz.view.buoy with parameters of type BuoyViewNodeType
 void ScrollblockCellLinker.doLinks(Cell c, VobScene vs, int cs, BuoyViewNodeType cellNodeType, BuoyLinkListener listener)
 void PPLinker.doLinks(Cell c, VobScene vs, int cs, BuoyViewNodeType cellNodeType, BuoyLinkListener l)
 void CellBuoyViewLinker.doLinks(Cell c, VobScene vs, int cs, BuoyViewNodeType cellNodeType, BuoyLinkListener l)
          Call the BuoyLinkListener with the relevant links.
 void dir, int anchorCS, BuoyViewNodeType otherNode, java.lang.Object linkId, java.lang.Object otherAnchor)
          A buoy link was found.