Uses of Interface

Packages that use BuoyLinkListener

Uses of BuoyLinkListener in gzz.view.buoy

Methods in gzz.view.buoy with parameters of type BuoyLinkListener
 void ScrollblockCellLinker.doLinks(Cell c, VobScene vs, int cs, BuoyViewNodeType cellNodeType, BuoyLinkListener listener)
 void PPLinker.doLinks(Cell c, VobScene vs, int cs, BuoyViewNodeType cellNodeType, BuoyLinkListener l)
 void CellBuoyViewLinker.doLinks(Cell c, VobScene vs, int cs, BuoyViewNodeType cellNodeType, BuoyLinkListener l)
          Call the BuoyLinkListener with the relevant links.
 BuoyViewMainNode BuoyAdaptor.createMainNode(java.lang.Object linkId, java.lang.Object anchor, BuoyLinkListener l)
 BuoyViewMainNode BuoyViewNodeType.createMainNode(java.lang.Object linkId, java.lang.Object anchor, BuoyLinkListener l)
          Focus was set to the buoy -- create an object that knows the user interface and motion in that space.