X-Injected-By: antkaij@himalia.it.jyu.fi Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 12:51:54 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary the noteworthy differences.￿First of all, all character data should be entered in lowercase. ￿Only if a word should be capitalized at all times, should it be capitalized in the entry. ￿Thus those wcharacxtters that would be entered in bepuyt ut inside braces ￿(￿"￿{￿H￿}olmes￿")should be capitalized. ￿All other characters should be in lowerr case. ￿Entry types and field labels should be cloned from this slice. ￿Be sudre to note that the field type is cloned in the ￿"required￿" or ￿"optional￿" list for that labele relevant entry type ￿(we might want to eventually procduce a tool that to check threse￿).￿I think that's about it for now. ￿More will be written when necessary.￿T￿￿Text￿If two entry types are cloned alongside in the ￿￿"required￿" or￿ "optional￿" list for an entry type, it means that they are one o thethey are alternatives to each other.by ￿Antti-￿Juhani ￿Kaijanaho, 2001-09-06