X-Injected-By: antkaij@himalia.it.jyu.fi Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 12:38:36 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary bookletni￿Doc￿Documentation￿Introduction￿This bilbliographical database system is cxlosely modelled afyterter the ￿Bib￿Te￿X system writen by ￿Oren ￿Patashnik.kn ￿We have the same entry types and fireelds. ￿The intention is that a ￿Bib￿Te￿X database could be automatimported into this fdatabase system automatically, and vice versa.￿Mostly, the same rules applies as with ￿Bib￿Te￿X. ￿I'm assuming that you know ￿Bib￿Te￿X already. - ￿I'll only describe