gzz.c = (0,200); % The central thing. gzz.control.c = (0,-50); % In the lower cup vertically(20, cen, gzz, gzz.media, gzz.diff); gzz.client.e = gzz.w + (-50,-50); gzz.impl.w = gzz.e + (60,-40); gzz.mediaserver.storage.c = gzz.mediaserver.c + (0,-50); gzz.mediaserver.storage.w = (200,-30); gzz.media.impl.c = gzz.mediaserver.c + (0,50); gzz.slices.c = gzz.impl.c + (0,-100); gzz.zzutil.c = gzz.c + (-100,0); vertically(25, cli, gzz.client.gl, gzz.client.awt); centeroffs((20,-20), glib, libglpaper, libgummi, libshaders, libcallgl); glib.c = gzz.gfx.gl.c + (0,-80); cli.c = gzz.client.w + (-50,-50); gzz.gfx.gl.c = gzz.client.gl.c + (-100,-30); gzz.vob.c = gzz.client.c + (0,-140); begingroup; color clcolor, scolor; scolor = (.7,.8,1); clcolor = (1,.7,.7); save defaultpen, defaultscale; defaultscale = 5; pen defaultpen; defaultpen = pencircle scaled 10pt; draw (80,220)..(20,100)..(0,0) withcolor scolor withpen defaultpen; draw (-80,220)..(-20,100)..(0,0) withcolor clcolor withpen defaultpen; draw (-80,-80){up}..(0,0)..(80,-80) withcolor (0.8,1,0.8) withpen defaultpen; draw thelabel.lft("frontend", (-120, 200)) withcolor clcolor; draw thelabel.rt("backend", (120, 200)) withcolor scolor; endgroup;