Package gzz.util

Interface Summary
Filer A "place" a Version can be loaded from and saved to.
Filer.Group A mapping from ids (opaque URIs) to Filers.
StringSearcher An interface for storing a set of strings with keys and searchig from them.
Version A version of something that can be diffed.
Version.Diff A diff between two Versions.
VersionFormat A serialization format for Versions and Version.Diffs.

Class Summary
AbstractFlatHashMap A flat hash class.
AbstractHashMap An abstract implementation of Map.
Background Perform tasks in the background, in a queue.
Bench Test speeds of various simple java operations, provide a generic simple speed-test framework.
BlockPool A pool for blocks of throw-away objects.
CachingMap A map that has a maximum number of entries at any given time.
ColorUtil Some color handling utilities.
CopyUtil Utility methods for copying data from input to output streams.
CountingReader A FilterReader that keeps track of where it is.
Dbg Turning on debugging according to gzz conventions.
EggTimer A simple timer that tells when the programmers have egg on their face for being too slow.
GeomUtil Some geometric utilities.
GlobalToolkit Contains the global toolkit instance
HeaderUtil Utility functions for reading and writing RFC 2822-style headers.
HexUtil Convert between byte arrays and strings of Hex digits
ImageSize Methods for determining sizes of image files.
InitialStringSearcher Searches for strings having the parameter string as the initial substring.
InputEventUtil Hacks to work around Java's inconsistent, ideosyncratic key events.
JavaIncompat Handle various java incompatibilities, most notably focus handling - GRRR!!.
Jython Some utilities that jython seems to need.
LoopDetector A loop detector.
Pair A Pair, useful as a hash key.
Pool A pool for throw-away objects.
Pool.AbstractPoolable An abstract implementation of Poolable.
PPMGrabber A simple class to write a given image into a PPM file.
PriorityQueue A simple implementation of a priority queue, for background jobs.
PUIClipboard Handle copy and paste of PUI clipboard
ScalableFont A font object from which it is easy to obtain instances and metrics scaled to requested multiplications.
SerializedVersionFormat A serialization format for Java-serializable Versions and Version.Diffs.
TempFileUtil Some useful routines for tests.
TestUtil Some utility routines for tests.
UpdateTimer A timer that runs a given runnable after a certain number of milliseconds.
URIUtil URI-syntax related utility methods.
URN5Namespace A class which is able to generate globally unique URN-5 identifiers.
ZZLogger A static package for logging things into a file.
ZZTestCase An extended version of junit.framework.TestCase implementing some assertions about e.g.arrays.

Exception Summary