Uses of Interface

Packages that use Space
gzz gzz 

Uses of Space in gzz

Fields in gzz declared as Space

Methods in gzz that return Space
 Space Dim.getSpace()
          Get the space this dimension is affilated with.

Constructors in gzz with parameters of type Space
Cell(Space space, java.lang.String id)
          Create a Cell with the given id.
Cell(Space space, int hashcode)
          Create a Cell with a null (lazy) id, with given hashcode.

Uses of Space in gzz.client

Fields in gzz.client declared as Space
 Space Fallback.linkSpace
          The Space we use for xu links for now.

Constructors in gzz.client with parameters of type Space
Fallback(Cell start, Space linkSpace, FallbackBinder binder, Fallback.FallbackDim[] dimList, FallbackSceneDecorator[] decorators, View[] viewList, java.util.Map viewSpecificBinders, CellView[] cellViewList, Filer.Group filers)

Uses of Space in gzz.diff

Subinterfaces of Space in gzz.diff
 interface DeltaSpace
          A space whose changes can be controlled.

Uses of Space in gzz.impl

Classes in gzz.impl that implement Space
 class AbstractSpace
          An abstract implementation of Space, which provides the methods that need to be implemented in a certain way to conform to the Space interface.
 class ModularDeltaSpace
          ModularSpace extended to implement gzz.diff.DeltaSpace
 class ModularSpace
          An implementation of space that delegates calls to a CellManager and a DimManager.

Fields in gzz.impl declared as Space
protected  Space
protected  Space
protected  Space
          The space this dimension is affiliated with.
protected  Space

Methods in gzz.impl that return Space
 Space AbstractDim.getSpace()

Methods in gzz.impl with parameters of type Space
 void SingleSlicer.setSpace(Space space)
 void IdentityManager.setSpace(Space s)
 void EvilCellTexter.setSpace(Space s)
 void DummyIdentityManager.setSpace(Space space)
 void DimManager.setSpace(Space s)
 void CellManager.setSpace(Space s)
 void AbstractDimManager.setSpace(Space space)
 void AbstractCellManager.setSpace(Space space)

Constructors in gzz.impl with parameters of type Space
SimpleDim(Space space, java.lang.String id, ObsTrigger trigger)
SimpleDim(Space space, ObsTrigger trigger)
          Deprecated. Must provide id
NormalDim(Space space, java.lang.String dimId, ObsTrigger trig)
AbstractDim(Space space, java.lang.String id)
AbstractDim(Space space)
          Deprecated. Must provide id to constructor.

Uses of Space in gzz.index

Methods in gzz.index with parameters of type Space
static Index IndexManager.getEnfiladeOverlap(Space s)
          Get an index which returns, for a given enfilade, all cells of the space which contain an overlapping xanalogical region.
static XuIndexer IndexManager.getXuIndexer(Space s)
          Get the Xanadu model link indexer which is to be used with the given space.

Uses of Space in gzz.index.impl

Fields in gzz.index.impl declared as Space
protected  Space

Constructors in gzz.index.impl with parameters of type Space
SpaceXuIndexer(Space space)

Uses of Space in gzz.slices

Subinterfaces of Space in gzz.slices
 interface SliceSpace
          A Space with a slicer.

Methods in gzz.slices with parameters of type Space
 void Slicer.setSpace(Space s)

Uses of Space in gzz.view

Methods in gzz.view with parameters of type Space
 void CoordinatePlaneMultiView.render(VobScene vs, int into, AbstractViewContext context, int cullCS, Space space, CellPlacementHook hook)
          Render with culling.
 void BoxCellView.setSpace(Space s)

Uses of Space in gzz.view.buoy

Constructors in gzz.view.buoy with parameters of type Space
ScrollblockCellLinker(Space s)