Uses of Class

Packages that use Cell
gzz gzz 

Uses of Cell in gzz

Methods in gzz that return Cell
 Cell Space.getHomeCell()
          Get the home cell of this space.
 Cell Space.getCell(java.lang.String id)
          Get a cell by its ID.
 Cell Space.getIdentity(java.lang.String s)
          Get the cell representing a given global identity.
 Cell Space.getIdentity(Cell c)
          Get the canonical cell representing a given cell's global identity.
 Cell Space.zzclone(Cell cellToClone, Cell cloneInSlice)
          Clone a cell.
 Cell Space.N()
          Create a new cell connected to the home slice.
 Cell Space.N(Cell inSlice)
          Create a new cell in the same slice as the given cell.
 Cell Space.N(Cell inSlice, Dim dim, int dir, Obs o)
          Create a new cell in the same slice as the given cell, and connect it in the direction given.
 Cell Space.N(Cell inSlice, Cell dim, int dir, Obs o)
 Cell Space.getMSBlockCell(java.lang.String msid, Cell cell)
          Get the cell representing the given mediaserver block in the same slice as cell.
 Cell Dim.s(Cell c, int steps, Obs o)
          Get another cell steps steps on the dimension from c.
 Cell Dim.s(Cell c, int steps)
 Cell Dim.s(Cell c)
 Cell Dim.h(Cell c, int dir, Obs o)
          Get headcell.
 Cell Dim.h(Cell c, int dir)
 Cell Dim.h(Cell c)
 Cell Cell.N(Dim dim, int dir)
          Create a new cell connected to this cell.
 Cell Cell.N(Dim dim)
 Cell Cell.N()
          Get a new cell associated with this cell (i.e., same slice)
 Cell Cell.getOrNew(Dim dim, int dir, Obs o)
          Get or create a new cell connected to this cell.
 Cell Cell.getOrNew(Dim dim, int dir)
 Cell Cell.getOrNew(Dim dim)
 Cell Cell.N(Dim dim, int dir, Obs o)
          Create a new cell connected to this cell and attach an observer to it atomically.
 Cell Cell.s(Dim dim, int steps, Obs o)
          Find the neighbour of this cell along a dimension and attach an observer to this relation atomically.
 Cell Cell.s(Dim dim, int dir)
          Find the neighbour of this cell along a dimension atomically.
 Cell Cell.s(Dim dim)
 Cell Cell.s(Dim dim, Obs o)
          Find the next cell along a dimension.
 Cell Cell.h(Dim dim)
          Find the headcell of a rank.
 Cell Cell.h(Dim dim, int dir)
 Cell Cell.h(Dim dim, int dir, boolean ensuremove)
 Cell Cell.h(Dim dim, int dir, boolean ensuremove, Obs o)
          Find the headcell of a rank.
 Cell Cell.getHomeCell()
 Cell Cell.zzclone()
 Cell Cell.zzclone(Cell inSlice)
          Clone this cell in the same slice as a given cell.
 Cell Cell.getRootclone()
 Cell Cell.getRootclone(Obs o)
          Get the root clone of this cell: the headcell of the clone dimension.

Methods in gzz with parameters of type Cell
 Enfilade1D VStreamCellTexter.getEnfilade(Cell c, Obs o)
          Get the vstream in this cell.
 void VStreamCellTexter.setEnfilade(Cell c, Enfilade1D vstream)
          Set the vstream in this cell.
 EnfiladeAligner.Instance VStreamCellTexter.startEnfiladeAligner(Cell c)
          Create an enfilade aligner instance for the enfilade in a given cell.
 java.lang.String VStreamCellTexter.getText(Cell c, Obs o)
          Return the vstream in this cell, merged into a single String.
 void VStreamCellTexter.setText(Cell c, java.lang.String s)
          Create a new text span and make it the vstream of this Cell.
 Dim Space.getDim(Cell name)
          Get a dimension by cell.
 Cell Space.getIdentity(Cell c)
          Get the canonical cell representing a given cell's global identity.
 Cell Space.zzclone(Cell cellToClone, Cell cloneInSlice)
          Clone a cell.
 Cell Space.zzclone(Cell cellToClone, Cell cloneInSlice)
          Clone a cell.
 Cell Space.N(Cell inSlice)
          Create a new cell in the same slice as the given cell.
 Cell Space.N(Cell inSlice, Dim dim, int dir, Obs o)
          Create a new cell in the same slice as the given cell, and connect it in the direction given.
 Cell Space.N(Cell inSlice, Cell dim, int dir, Obs o)
 Cell Space.N(Cell inSlice, Cell dim, int dir, Obs o)
 void Space.delete(Cell c)
          Delete a given cell.
 Cell Space.getMSBlockCell(java.lang.String msid, Cell cell)
          Get the cell representing the given mediaserver block in the same slice as cell.
 java.lang.Object JavaObjector.getJavaObject(Cell c, Obs o)
          Get the Java object associated with this cell.
 Cell Dim.s(Cell c, int steps, Obs o)
          Get another cell steps steps on the dimension from c.
 void Dim.connect(Cell c, Cell d)
          Connect the two cells in this dimension, in order.
 void Dim.connect(Cell c, Cell d)
          Connect the two cells in this dimension, in order.
 void Dim.disconnect(Cell c, int dir)
          Disconnect the cell in the given direction.
 void Dim.connect(Cell c, int dir, Cell d)
          Connect two cells in direction given.
 void Dim.connect(Cell c, int dir, Cell d)
          Connect two cells in direction given.
 Cell Dim.s(Cell c, int steps)
 Cell Dim.s(Cell c)
 boolean Dim.isCircularHead(Cell c, Obs o)
          Whether the given cell is a headcell of a circular rank on this dimension.
 Cell Dim.h(Cell c, int dir, Obs o)
          Get headcell.
 Cell Dim.h(Cell c, int dir)
 Cell Dim.h(Cell c)
 void Dim.insert(Cell c, int dir, Cell d)
          Insert a cell on a rank.
 void Dim.insert(Cell c, int dir, Cell d)
          Insert a cell on a rank.
 void Dim.excise(Cell c)
          Remove the given cell from this dimension.
 void Dim.hop(Cell c, int steps)
          Hop the cell along this dimension.
 void Dim.insertRank(Cell c, int dir, Cell d)
          Insert a whole rank inside another rank.
 void Dim.insertRank(Cell c, int dir, Cell d)
          Insert a whole rank inside another rank.
 void Dim.exciseRange(Cell from, Cell to)
          Excise a whole range of cells from a rank.
 void Dim.exciseRange(Cell from, Cell to)
          Excise a whole range of cells from a rank.
 java.util.Iterator Dim.iterator(Cell c)
          Iterate starting from the given cell.
 void CellTexter.setText(Cell c, java.lang.String s)
          Set the text for the given cell.
 java.lang.String CellTexter.getText(Cell c, Obs o)
          Get the text for the given cell.
 void CellTexter.insertText(Cell c, int ind, java.lang.String s)
          Insert the given string into the text in the cell C.
 void CellTexter.deleteText(Cell c, int begin, int end)
          Delete a piece of text from a cell.
 void CellTexter.copyText(Cell to, int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
          Copy some text from one cell to another.
 void CellTexter.copyText(Cell to, int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
          Copy some text from one cell to another.
 void CellTexter.moveText(Cell to, int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
          Move some text from one cell to another.
 void CellTexter.moveText(Cell to, int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
          Move some text from one cell to another.
 void Cell.connect(Dim dim, Cell to)
          Connect this cell to another along a dimension.
 void Cell.connect(Dim dim, int dir, Cell to)
          Connect this cell to another along a dimension in a specified direction.
 void Cell.insert(Dim dim, int dir, Cell what)
          Insert a cell next to this one in the rank.
 void Cell.copyText(int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
          Copy some text from another cell to this cell.
 void Cell.moveText(int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
          Move some text from another cell to this cell.
 Cell Cell.zzclone(Cell inSlice)
          Clone this cell in the same slice as a given cell.

Uses of Cell in gzz.client

Fields in gzz.client declared as Cell
 Cell Fallback.Win.cursor

Methods in gzz.client that return Cell
static Cell Params.getParam(Cell c, Cell param)
          Get a parameter of some cell.
static Cell Params.getParam(Cell c, Cell param, Obs o)
static Cell Params.getNextParam(Cell c)
static Cell Params.getNextParam(Cell c, Obs o)
static Cell[] Params.getCells(Cell start, Cell dim, int nmax, Obs obs)
static Cell[] Params.getCells(Cell start, Dim dim, int nmax, Obs obs)
 Cell Fallback.Win.getAccursed()
 Cell Fallback.Win.getWindow()

Methods in gzz.client with parameters of type Cell
static Cell Params.getParam(Cell c, Cell param)
          Get a parameter of some cell.
static Cell Params.getParam(Cell c, Cell param)
          Get a parameter of some cell.
static Cell Params.getParam(Cell c, Cell param, Obs o)
static Cell Params.getParam(Cell c, Cell param, Obs o)
static Cell Params.getNextParam(Cell c)
static Cell Params.getNextParam(Cell c, Obs o)
static Cell[] Params.getCells(Cell start, Cell dim, int nmax, Obs obs)
static Cell[] Params.getCells(Cell start, Cell dim, int nmax, Obs obs)
static Cell[] Params.getCells(Cell start, Dim dim, int nmax, Obs obs)
static java.lang.String[] Params.getStrings(Cell start, Cell dim, int nmax, Obs obs)
          Get a list of strings in cells starting from start (INCLUSIVE).
static java.lang.String[] Params.getStrings(Cell start, Cell dim, int nmax, Obs obs)
          Get a list of strings in cells starting from start (INCLUSIVE).
static java.lang.String[] Params.getStrings(Cell start, Dim dim, int nmax, Obs obs)
static int[] Params.getInts(Cell start, Cell dim, int nmax, Obs obs)
          Get a list of integers in cells starting from start (INCLUSIVE).
static int[] Params.getInts(Cell start, Cell dim, int nmax, Obs obs)
          Get a list of integers in cells starting from start (INCLUSIVE).
static int[] Params.getInts(Cell start, Dim dim, int nmax, Obs obs)
 boolean FallbackBinder.isMarked(Cell c)
 Fallback.Win Fallback.newWindow(Cell cursor)
 java.util.List Fallback.Win.getCursorColors(Cell c)
 int Fallback.Win.getCursorOffset(Cell c)
 boolean Fallback.Win.isMarked(Cell c)

Constructors in gzz.client with parameters of type Cell
Fallback(Cell start, Space linkSpace, FallbackBinder binder, Fallback.FallbackDim[] dimList, FallbackSceneDecorator[] decorators, View[] viewList, java.util.Map viewSpecificBinders, CellView[] cellViewList, Filer.Group filers)

Uses of Cell in gzz.diff

Methods in gzz.diff with parameters of type Cell
 void SimpleDimDelta.addChange(int t, Cell o1, Cell o2)
 void SimpleDimDelta.addChange(int t, Cell o1, Cell o2)
 void SimpleContentDelta.addChange(Cell c, java.lang.Object o1, java.lang.Object o2)

Uses of Cell in gzz.impl

Methods in gzz.impl that return Cell
 Cell SimpleDim.s(Cell c, int steps, Obs o)
 Cell SimpleDim.DirMap.get(Cell c, Obs o)
 Cell SimpleDim.DirMap.get(Cell c)
protected  Cell PlainCellManager.makeCell(java.lang.String id)
 Cell ModularSpace.getHomeCell()
 Cell ModularSpace.getCell(java.lang.String id)
 Cell ModularSpace.getIdentity(java.lang.String s)
 Cell ModularSpace.getIdentity(Cell c)
 Cell ModularSpace.N(Cell inSlice)
 Cell ModularSpace.N(Cell inSlice, Dim dim, int dir, Obs o)
 Cell ModularSpace.getMSBlockCell(java.lang.String msid, Cell cell)
 Cell IdentityManager.getHomeCell()
          Get the home cell of this space.
 Cell IdentityManager.getIdentity(java.lang.String s)
          Get the cell representing a given global identity.
 Cell IdentityManager.getIdentity(Cell c)
          Get the canonical cell representing a given cell's global identity.
 Cell IdentityManager.getMSBlockCell(java.lang.String msid, Cell cell)
          Get the cell representing the given mediaserver block in the same slice as cell.
 Cell DummyIdentityManager.getHomeCell()
 Cell DummyIdentityManager.getIdentity(java.lang.String s)
 Cell DummyIdentityManager.getIdentity(Cell c)
 Cell DummyIdentityManager.getMSBlockCell(java.lang.String msid, Cell cell)
 Cell CellManager.getCell(java.lang.String id)
          Get a cell by its ID.
 Cell CellManager.N(Cell inSlice)
          Create a new cell in the same slice as the given cell.
 Cell AbstractSpace.N()
 Cell AbstractSpace.getIdentity(java.lang.String s)
 Cell AbstractSpace.getIdentity(Cell c)
 Cell AbstractSpace.N(Cell c, Cell dim, int dir, Obs o)
 Cell AbstractSpace.getMSBlockCell(java.lang.String msid, Cell cell)
 Cell AbstractSpace.zzclone(Cell cellToClone, Cell cloneInSlice)
abstract  Cell AbstractDim.s(Cell c, int steps, Obs o)
 Cell AbstractDim.s(Cell c, int steps)
 Cell AbstractDim.s(Cell c)
 Cell AbstractDim.h(Cell c, int dir, Obs o)
          Get headcell.
 Cell AbstractDim.h(Cell c, int dir)
 Cell AbstractDim.h(Cell c)
protected abstract  Cell AbstractCellManager.makeCell(java.lang.String id)
          Create the Cell object for the cell given by id.
 Cell AbstractCellManager.getCell(java.lang.String id)
 Cell AbstractCellManager.N(Cell inSlice)

Methods in gzz.impl with parameters of type Cell
protected  Enfilade1D SimpleVStreamTexter.getFromMap(Cell c)
          The innermost routine that uses the actual map.
protected  void SimpleVStreamTexter.setMap(Cell c, Enfilade1D enf)
          The innermost routine that uses the actual map.
 Enfilade1D SimpleVStreamTexter.getEnfilade(Cell c, Obs o)
 void SimpleVStreamTexter.setEnfilade(Cell c, Enfilade1D vstream)
 EnfiladeAligner.Instance SimpleVStreamTexter.startEnfiladeAligner(Cell c)
 java.lang.String SimpleVStreamTexter.getText(Cell c, Obs o)
 void SimpleVStreamTexter.setText(Cell c, java.lang.String s)
 void SimpleVStreamTexter.insertText(Cell c, int ind, java.lang.String s)
 void SimpleVStreamTexter.deleteText(Cell c, int begin, int end)
 void SimpleVStreamTexter.copyText(Cell to, int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
 void SimpleVStreamTexter.copyText(Cell to, int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
 void SimpleVStreamTexter.moveText(Cell to, int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
 void SimpleVStreamTexter.moveText(Cell to, int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
 Cell SimpleDim.s(Cell c, int steps, Obs o)
 void SimpleDim.connect(Cell c, Cell d)
 void SimpleDim.connect(Cell c, Cell d)
 void SimpleDim.disconnect(Cell c, int dir)
 boolean SimpleDim.isCircularHead(Cell c, Obs o)
protected  Dim SimpleDim.SimpleDimManager.createDim(Cell name)
 Cell SimpleDim.DirMap.get(Cell c, Obs o)
 Cell SimpleDim.DirMap.get(Cell c)
 void SimpleDim.DirMap.put(Cell c, Cell d)
 void SimpleDim.DirMap.put(Cell c, Cell d)
 void SimpleDim.DirMap.remove(Cell c)
 boolean SimpleDim.DirMap.containsKey(Cell c)
protected  void SimpleDeltaVStreamTexter.setMap(Cell c, Enfilade1D enf)
protected  java.lang.String PlainCellManager.newCellId(Cell inSlice)
 void PlainCellManager.delete(Cell c)
 void NormalDim.connect(Cell c, Cell d)
 void NormalDim.connect(Cell c, Cell d)
 void NormalDim.disconnect(Cell c, int dir)
protected  Dim NormalDim.NormalDimManager.createDim(Cell name)
 Dim ModularSpace.getDim(Cell name)
 Cell ModularSpace.getIdentity(Cell c)
 Cell ModularSpace.N(Cell inSlice)
 Cell ModularSpace.N(Cell inSlice, Dim dim, int dir, Obs o)
 void ModularSpace.delete(Cell c)
 Cell ModularSpace.getMSBlockCell(java.lang.String msid, Cell cell)
 Cell IdentityManager.getIdentity(Cell c)
          Get the canonical cell representing a given cell's global identity.
 Cell IdentityManager.getMSBlockCell(java.lang.String msid, Cell cell)
          Get the cell representing the given mediaserver block in the same slice as cell.
abstract  void EvilCellTexter.setSpan(Cell c, Span s)
abstract  Span EvilCellTexter.getSpan(Cell c, Obs o)
 void EvilCellTexter.insertText(Cell c, int ind, java.lang.String s)
 void EvilCellTexter.deleteText(Cell c, int begin, int end)
 void EvilCellTexter.copyText(Cell to, int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
 void EvilCellTexter.copyText(Cell to, int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
 void EvilCellTexter.moveText(Cell to, int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
 void EvilCellTexter.moveText(Cell to, int ind, Cell from, int begin, int end)
 Cell DummyIdentityManager.getIdentity(Cell c)
 Cell DummyIdentityManager.getMSBlockCell(java.lang.String msid, Cell cell)
 Dim DimManager.getDim(Cell name)
          Get a dimension by cell.
 Cell CellManager.N(Cell inSlice)
          Create a new cell in the same slice as the given cell.
 void CellManager.delete(Cell c)
          Delete a given cell.
 Cell AbstractSpace.getIdentity(Cell c)
 Cell AbstractSpace.N(Cell c, Cell dim, int dir, Obs o)
 Cell AbstractSpace.N(Cell c, Cell dim, int dir, Obs o)
 Cell AbstractSpace.getMSBlockCell(java.lang.String msid, Cell cell)
 Cell AbstractSpace.zzclone(Cell cellToClone, Cell cloneInSlice)
 Cell AbstractSpace.zzclone(Cell cellToClone, Cell cloneInSlice)
protected abstract  Dim AbstractDimManager.createDim(Cell name)
          Create the dimension for the given name.
 Dim AbstractDimManager.getDim(Cell id)
abstract  Cell AbstractDim.s(Cell c, int steps, Obs o)
abstract  void AbstractDim.connect(Cell c, Cell d)
abstract  void AbstractDim.connect(Cell c, Cell d)
abstract  void AbstractDim.disconnect(Cell c, int dir)
 void AbstractDim.connect(Cell c, int dir, Cell d)
          Connect two cells in direction given.
 void AbstractDim.connect(Cell c, int dir, Cell d)
          Connect two cells in direction given.
 Cell AbstractDim.s(Cell c, int steps)
 Cell AbstractDim.s(Cell c)
abstract  boolean AbstractDim.isCircularHead(Cell c, Obs o)
 Cell AbstractDim.h(Cell c, int dir, Obs o)
          Get headcell.
 Cell AbstractDim.h(Cell c, int dir)
 Cell AbstractDim.h(Cell c)
 void AbstractDim.insert(Cell c, int dir, Cell d)
 void AbstractDim.insert(Cell c, int dir, Cell d)
 void AbstractDim.excise(Cell c)
          Remove the given cell from this dimension.
 void AbstractDim.hop(Cell c, int steps)
 void AbstractDim.insertRank(Cell c, int dir, Cell d)
 void AbstractDim.insertRank(Cell c, int dir, Cell d)
 void AbstractDim.exciseRange(Cell neg, Cell pos)
 void AbstractDim.exciseRange(Cell neg, Cell pos)
 java.util.Iterator AbstractDim.iterator(Cell c)
          Iterate starting from the given cell.
protected abstract  java.lang.String AbstractCellManager.newCellId(Cell inSlice)
          Give the Id of a new cell in the same slice.
 Cell AbstractCellManager.N(Cell inSlice)

Uses of Cell in gzz.index.impl

Methods in gzz.index.impl with parameters of type Cell
protected  java.lang.Object SpaceXuIndexer.getLinkForCell(Cell c)

Uses of Cell in gzz.view

Fields in gzz.view declared as Cell
 Cell ZZViewContext.window
 Cell Mark.cell
 Cell[] BFRaster.cells
          The cells of the raster.

Methods in gzz.view that return Cell
 Cell ZZViewContext.getAccursed()
 Cell ZZViewContext.getWindow()
 Cell ViewContext.getAccursed()
          Get the accursed cell.
 Cell ViewContext.getWindow()
          Get the maincell of the window, if available.
 Cell AbstractViewContext.getAccursed()
 Cell AbstractViewContext.getWindow()

Methods in gzz.view with parameters of type Cell
 void c, VobScene vs, int box, ViewContext context)
 void PageSpanCellView.getSize(Cell c, ViewContext context, float[] out)
 java.util.List ZZViewContext.getCursorColors(Cell c)
 int ZZViewContext.getCursorOffset(Cell c)
 boolean ZZViewContext.isMarked(Cell c)
 java.lang.Object VobVanishingClient.getVobSize(Cell c, float fract, int flags, java.awt.Dimension outDim)
 void c, java.lang.Object o, float fract, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float depth, float rot)
 void VobVanishingClient.connect(Cell cell1, Cell cell2, int dx, int dy)
 void VobVanishingClient.connect(Cell cell1, Cell cell2, int dx, int dy)
 java.util.List ViewContext.getCursorColors(Cell c)
          Get the colors of all colored cursors on a cell.
 int ViewContext.getCursorOffset(Cell c)
          Get the offset of the line cursor on a given cell, if any.
 boolean ViewContext.isMarked(Cell c)
          Whether a given cell is marked by the current mark set.
 java.lang.Object VanishingClient.getVobSize(Cell c, float fract, int flags, java.awt.Dimension into)
 void c, java.lang.Object o, float fract, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float depth, float rot)
 void VanishingClient.connect(Cell c1, Cell c2, int dx, int dy)
          There should be a connection between the given cells.
 void VanishingClient.connect(Cell c1, Cell c2, int dx, int dy)
          There should be a connection between the given cells.
 void TextCellContentView.getSize(Cell c, float scale, ViewContext context, float[] out)
 void c, VobScene vs, int box, ViewContext context)
protected  void TextCellContentView.placeVob(Cell c, VobScene vs, int cs, int start, int end, int offs, ViewContext context, float h, float scaled_h, float scale)
 void c, VobScene sc, int box, ViewContext context)
 void MultitypeCellContentView.getSize(Cell c, float scale, ViewContext context, float[] out)
 void c, VobScene vs, int box, ViewContext context)
          Add the vobs that make up an image of a cell into the given coordinate system of the given vobscene.
 float LinebrokenCellContentView.getHeight(Cell c, float forWidth, float scale)
          Get the height necessary to layout a range of text in a cell, at a given width and scale.
 void LinebrokenCellContentView.getSize(Cell c, float scale, ViewContext context, float[] out)
 void c, VobScene vs, int box, ViewContext context)
 void c, VobScene vs, int box, ViewContext context, java.lang.String textColor)
protected  gzz.vob.linebreaking.HChain LinebrokenCellContentView.getChain(Cell c, float scale)
 void ImageCellContentView.getSize(Cell c, float[] out)
 void c, VobScene vs, int box, ViewContext context)
 boolean DefaultBinder.isMarked(Cell c)
static void DefaultBinder.editPlainText(Cell c)
          Edit a cell's content as plain text.
 void c, VobScene sc, int box, ViewContext context)
 void CellViewPlugin.getSize(Cell c, ViewContext context, float[] out)
 void CellViewPlugin.getSize(Cell c, float scale, ViewContext context, float[] out)
abstract  void c, VobScene vs, int box, ViewContext context)
          Place the contents of one cell into the given coord system.
 void CellView.getSize(Cell c, ViewContext context, float[] out)
          Get the default size of the cell.
 void CellView.getSize(Cell c, float scale, ViewContext context, float[] out)
          Get the default size of the cell at a given scale.
 void CellPlacementHook.placed(Cell c, VobScene sc, int b, ViewContext context)
          A cell was placed.
 void c, VobScene sc, int box, ViewContext context)
 void CellMagnifier.getSize(Cell c, ViewContext context, float[] out)
 void CellMagnifier.getSize(Cell c, float scale, ViewContext context, float[] out)
 void Cell1DBuoyHook.placed(Cell c, VobScene sc, int box, ViewContext context)
 void Cell1DBuoyHook.Floater.buoy(int anchor, Cell c, Cell connectedFrom, int count)
          Create a buoy.
 void Cell1DBuoyHook.Floater.buoy(int anchor, Cell c, Cell connectedFrom, int count)
          Create a buoy.
 void BoxCellView.getSize(Cell c, float scale, ViewContext context, float[] into)
 void c, VobScene vs, int box, ViewContext context)
 void center, Dim[] dims)
 void AbstractViewContext.setAccursed(Cell c)
 int AbstractViewContext.getCursorOffset(Cell c)
 boolean AbstractViewContext.isMarked(Cell c)
 java.util.List AbstractViewContext.getCursorColors(Cell c)

Constructors in gzz.view with parameters of type Cell
ZZViewContext(Cell window)
Mark(Cell cell, Enfilade1D spans)
Mark(Cell cell)
CellImageVob(Cell c, java.awt.Image im)
CellHBox(Cell cell, CellView view, ViewContext context)

Uses of Cell in gzz.view.buoy

Methods in gzz.view.buoy with parameters of type Cell
 void ScrollblockCellLinker.doLinks(Cell c, VobScene vs, int cs, BuoyViewNodeType cellNodeType, BuoyLinkListener listener)
 void PPLinker.doLinks(Cell c, VobScene vs, int cs, BuoyViewNodeType cellNodeType, BuoyLinkListener l)
 boolean CellBuoyViewNodeType.ownsCell(Cell c)
          True if this view "owns" a certain cell.
 java.lang.Object CellBuoyViewNodeType.getSize(Cell c, java.lang.Object content, float[] wh)
          Get the ideal size for this buoy.
 int CellBuoyViewNodeType.renderBuoy(VobScene vs, int into, Cell c, java.lang.Object content, java.lang.Object cachedSize)
          Render this view centered on a given cell.
 BuoyViewMainNode CellBuoyViewNodeType.createMainNode(Cell c, java.lang.Object content, CellPlacementHook hook)
 void CellBuoyViewLinker.doLinks(Cell c, VobScene vs, int cs, BuoyViewNodeType cellNodeType, BuoyLinkListener l)
          Call the BuoyLinkListener with the relevant links.

Uses of Cell in gzz.zzutil

Methods in gzz.zzutil with parameters of type Cell
static java.lang.String Containment.getContainedText(Cell c)
          Get the contents of this cell as a String, as specified by the containment mechanism.
static Enfilade1D Containment.getContainedEnfilade(Cell c)
          Get the contents of this cell as an Enfilade1D, as specified by the containment mechanism.
static void Containment.addContainedCell(Cell into, Cell add)
          Add the 'add' cell to the end of the list of cells inside 'into'.
static void Containment.addContainedCell(Cell into, Cell add)
          Add the 'add' cell to the end of the list of cells inside 'into'.

Constructors in gzz.zzutil with parameters of type Cell
RankList(Cell onRank, Dim dim)
RankList.CellIterator(Cell pos)