In file gfx/libcallgl/callgl.hxx:

void CallGL::callGL

(const char* string, int intoList)

Execute OpenGL commands.


Execute OpenGL commands. The overall function that executes a number of OpenGL commands in the given string and puts the results into the "intoList" display list, or if intoList <= 0, executes them directly.

The string is of the form

     * 		TexEnv TEXTURE_ENV TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR 1 0.5 0.5 0.2
     * 		Enable BLEND
i.e. the gl, GL_ etc prefixes are omitted. Also, for ARB extensions, the ARB suffix on function names (but not on tokens!) can be omitted:
     * 		BindProgramARB VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB 4
     * 		BindProgram VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB 4
     * 		BindProgram VERTEX_PROGRAM 4 # --- ILLEGAL

In the first stage, the functions

     * 		TexEnv
     * 		BindTexture
     * 		TexParameter
     * 		Enable
     * 		Disable
     * 		BlendColor
     * 		BlendEquation
     * 		BlendFunc
     * 		TexGen
     * 		ClearStencil
     * 		StencilFunc
     * 		StencilMask
     * 		StencilOp
     * 		Clear
     * 		DepthFunc
     * 		DepthMask
     * 		DepthRange
     * 		ColorMask
     * 		ClipPlane
     * 		ClearColor
     * 		CombinerParameterNV
     * 		CombinerInputNV
     * 		CombinerOutputNV
     * 		FinalCombinerInputNV
     * 		BindProgramNV
     * 		LoadProgramNV
     * 		ProgramParameterNV
     * 		TrackMatrixNV
shall be supported. (there are now much more; document XXX !!!)

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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