In file gfx/libcallgl/callgl.hxx:

namespace CallGL

CallGL allows dynamic execution of OpenGL commands from strings


CallGL allows dynamic execution of OpenGL commands from strings

void callGL(const char* string, int intoList)
Execute OpenGL commands.
GLenum getTokenValue(const char* string)
Get an OpenGL token value for the given string.
const char* getTokenString(GLenum value)
Get (if available) an OpenGL token name for the given value.
const char* getStringname one of "VENDOR", "RENDERER", "VERSION", "EXTENSIONS"
Get a string describing the current GL connection
const vector<float> getFloat(const char* pname)
Get values of GL parameters
class DisplayList
A simple automatic display list object.
class CallGLCode
An instance of CallGL code compiled into a display list.
class NVProgID
A simple automatic NVIDIA program id object.
bool loadProgram(GLuint id, const string source)
Load an OpenGL program into the driver.
template<GLuint TARGET> class NVProg
An instance of an NVIDIA program loaded into the driver.

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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