PEG storm_with_tapestry--hemppah:

Author: Hermanni Hyytiälä
Revision: 1.31
Status: Incomplete

This document describes the use of Tapestry overlay with Storm. We start by proviving a short introduction to Tapestry, to the SEDA model and to the Tapestry API. Then, we propose new classes to be implemented in order to transfer Storm-related messages in a Tapestry overlay, and a pseudo code which would provide Tapestry's basic services to Storm; pseudo code describes a simple StormTapestryManager class which supports Storm block query and insert operations in a Tapestry overlay.

This document is based on Tapestry 2.0 release.


ISSUE: Do we need any code from the Oceanstore codebase, and if needed, what
are the parts which are required ?
SOLVED: Yes, we need code from Oceanstore codebase. There are many classes
and they are also fundamental to Tapestry's functionality. The names of the classes are not listed here.
ISSUE: What would be the best way to embed Tapestry/Oceanstore source tree
into Storm source tree (Tapestry/Oceanstore source tree includes .jar, .java, .so, .h and .c files)?
SOLVED: Create a "tapestry" sub directory under Storm's root directory. Resulting
"tapestry/src" sub directory must be included to CLASSPATH variable. This directory will be the root directory from which all Tapestry related java class names will reference.
ISSUE: Does Storm use native Java threads in the current implementation? The
issue with this may be that Sandstorm Tutorial (included with the SEDA release) says "Don't allocate or manage threads in your application".
SOLVED: The current implementation of Storm uses native Java threads in the

following classes:

org/nongnu/storm/util/ org/nongnu/storm/http/server/ org/nongnu/storm/http/server/ org/nongnu/storm/impl/p2p/ org/nongnu/storm/modules/gispmap/ org/nongnu/storm/modules/gispmap/

The first three classes are used with HTTP-Kit and the three latter ones with GISP. Obviously, GISP related classes are not a problem as they are obsolete but HTTP-Kit related may be a problem, i.e., classes have to re-engineer to SEDA compliant classes. UPDATE: This is not necessary; see the next ISSUE.

ISSUE: If a software uses SEDA in one component, is it mandatory to use SEDA's
thread-event model in all other components also (i.e. native Java threads are not allowed)?
SOLVED: According to Matt Welsh, the author of SEDA/Sandstorm framework, we are

able to use native (Java) threads while using SEDA in a software:

It is true that SEDA intends to manage all of the threads in the system itself. However, it should be fine to use your own threads as long as you yield or sleep often enough for SEDA's threads to get a chance to run. Let me know how it goes!
ISSUE: Is it mandatory to run always the federation/static client bootstrap

process (i.e., one federation peer and few static peers) before any dynamic peers are able join into a network?

[Yes. However, we are able to run the bootstrap process by running a federation peer and a static peer on a single computer. After a local stabilization (that is performed rapidly), other computers (peers) are able join the network.

The federation/static client bootstrap process is due to historical reasons and it should be fixed very soon.]

UPDATE: No. We can bootstrap a dynamic node and set its gateway to itself -- this create a new single node network and other dynamic nodes can use the bootrapping node as the gateway.

Introduction to Tapestry

Tapestry is an application level Peer-to-Peer overlay. Currently Tapestry supports the DOLR abstraction but other abstraction can be implemented (e.g., DHT). Tapestry's DOLR interface has two primary functions: efficient point to point message delivery and effcient object location. In Tapestry, objects are published with object to location mappings (a.k.a. pointers). This operation differs from DHTs in that Tapestry always tries use the closest available object.

Tapestry's routing table consists of levels of neighbor links. Each level represents a matching prefix up to a digit position in the ID. Additionally, for each level, neighbor links are selected based on closest in network latency. Along the publication process, the overlay deposits a pointer at every hop along the way. When an object is searched, a query is forwarded towards object's publication route, and when a query run into a first pointer, overlay directly forwards to the object.

Tapestry 2.0 release is written in Java and uses SEDA (Staged Event-Driven Architecture) framework for thread and I/O-operations. Tapestry's code base has approximately 57000 lines of code and shares some code with Oceanstore's code base.

Overview of SEDA

SEDA is an asynchronous I/O library (similar to JDK 1.4's java.nio package). In the SEDA model, there are stages and they communicate with each other by sending events. A stage runs as a thread which starts by executing initialization routines and then enters an event loop. Inside each JVM, a dispatcher monitors all messages and events, and delivers copies to each stage that subscribes to messages of that type.

Currently, each Tapestry component is implemented as a stage. For example, A (common) Tapestry node uses StaticTClient stage, DynamicTClient stage, Router stage and Tapestry application stage. For each stage, a config file is required to specify stage's properties (XML-like tag structure). During the initialization phase, a stage specifies which event and messages it wants to "listen" to. For Storm, the Tapestry application stage is the most important.

SEDA version 2.0 is included within the Tapestry 2.0 release.

Overview of Tapestry API

According to the Tapestry website, there are four main API services in Tapestry that are used by other applications:

PublishObject(O_GUID): publish, or make available, object O on the local node. This call is best effort, and receives no confirmation.

UnpublishObject(O_GUID): Best-effort attempt to remove location mappings for O.

RouteToObject(O_GUID): Routes message to location of an object with GUID O_GUID

RouteToNode(N_ID, Exact): Route message to node N. "Exact" specifies whether destination ID needs to be matched exactly to deliver payload.

However, the implemented API, according to the JavaDocs, offers services with the following names (and some additional services):

TapestryRouteMsg(SecureHash peer) - analog to RouteToObject(O_GUID)

TapestryLocateMsg(SecureHash guid, TapestryQuery query, TapestryQueryState query_state, SecureHash id) - locate a node storing an object with GUID

TapestryMacRouteMsg(SecureHash peer) - cryptographic (MAC) implementation of RouteToObject(O_GUID)

TapestryPrefixRouteMsg(SecureHash peer, boolean inbound) - routes to the node with the GUID closest to a given GUID. OceanStore uses this service to find storage candidates for erasure coded fragments. See Javadocs for more detailed documentation.

TapestryPublishMsg(SecureHash guid, TapestryTag tag) - analog to PublishObject(O_GUID)

TapestryUnpublishMsg(SecureHash guid, TapestryTag tag) - analog to UnpublishObject(O_GUID)

In addition, Tapestry API offers a number of other services. Again, see JavaDocs for more detailed information.

Using Tapestry API from other applications

According to the Tapestry programmer's guide, there are three steps to write an application that uses Tapestry's services:

  • Write the necessary messages to interface with Tapestry
  • Write an event handler class that would serve as the application
  • Write configuration file(s) to define stages and specify initialization arguments

Custom messages for Tapestry

Again, According to the Tapestry programmer's guide:

  1. An application must extend extending the abstract API message types, e.g.:

    public class StormLocateMsg extends TapestryLocateMsg {

2. Class must have own serialization methods in order transfer messages over a network:

public void constructor(byte [] data, int [] offset) public void to_bytes(byte [] data, int [] offset)
  1. Do not write a working type_code method

An event handler class

  1. Write an event handler class which extends SEDA's existing stages, e.g.,
public class StormTapestryManager implements EventHandlerIF
  1. In an event handler class, implement a hanleEvent method which will process registered messages
  2. In an eventhandler class, implement a init method which will define the events and messages that are "listened" for this class
  3. Register your custom message classes

Using Tapestry with Storm

In this section, we will outline a design which would allow Storm to use Tapestry's routing services.

For finding Storm blocks in a Tapestry overlay, we must create custom message classes:

  • BlockIDTag class (implements ostore.tapestry.api.TapestryTag) for Storm blocks' IDs for storing query specific information: in our case, we store at least block's GUID and other related info (if needed)
  • BlockIDQuery class (implements ostore.tapestry.api.TapestryQuery) to receive an object identified by a BlockIDTag (and dispatch a ostore.tapestry.api.TapestryLocateMsg that contains a BlockIDQuery)
  • StormLocateMsg class (extends ostore.tapestry.api.TapestryLocateMsg, implements ostore.util.QuickSerializable) for locating Storm blocks identified by a BlockIDTag in a Tapestry overlay
  • StormResponseMsg class (extends ostore.tapestry.api.TapestryRouteMsg, implements ostore.util.QuickSerializable) to carry meta data for a requested Storm block. This is an optional class, i.e., if we want to see query results, we could use this class
  • StormBlockRequestMsg class (extends ostore.tapestry.api.TapestryRouteMsg, implements ostore.util.QuickSerializable) to request a specific Storm block
  • StormErrorMsg class (extends ostore.tapestry.api.TapestryRouteMsg, implements ostore.util.QuickSerializable) for sending error messages
  • StormBlockMsg class (extends ostore.tapestry.api.TapestryRouteMsg, implements ostore.util.QuickSerializable) to carry a requested Storm block being sent to a original requester

Please notice that the above message classes provide only basic functionality in a Tapestry overlay, i.e., a Storm peer is able to perform lookups based on Storm Block ID, get lookup results (optional), get error messages (optional) and get a a requested Storm block. If needed, other messages classes can be implemented for more versatile functionality.

For interacting Storm's storage model with Tapestry we must create an event handler class:

  • StormTapestryManager class (implements sandStorm.api.EventHandlerIF) for listening standard Tapestry events, registering custom Storm messages, dispatching custom Storm messages and interacting with a local Storm pool

Here, we propose a simple StormTapestryManager pseudo code. This is an event handler class for Tapestry services. In addition to basic event handling functionality, this class supports Storm block query and insert operations in a Tapestry overlay.

class StormTapestryManager implements EventHandlerIF {

        // Dispatcher which dispatches all items
        // to a target peer. 
        // (Mandatory: Sandstorm requires this)
        method dispatch (QueueElementIF item) {
                // try do dispatch an item
                try {
                } catch (expection) {
                        error("Could not dispatch item!")

        // General initialization method
        // that handles subscribes this stage
        // to listen certain events and messages.
        // (Mandatory: Sandstorm requires this)
        method init (ConfigDataIF config) {

        // find our NodeId 
        self_node_id = new NodeId 
        // Initialize the appropriate
        // instance of the Classifier. The Classifier handles the 
        // publish/subscribe mechanism used for
        // event dispatch between stages.
        classifier = Classifier.getClassifier(self_node_id = new NodeId)
        // Create peer ID based on peer's public key.
         peer = new SHA1Hash (publicKey);
         // The *events* which we want to listen.
         // (Mandatory: Sandstorm requires this)

         array event_types = {
        for (From i = 0 To numberOf(event_types)) {
                classifier.subscribe (event_type[i])
        // The *messages* we want receive through Tapestry.
        // (Mandatory: Sandstorm requires this)

        array message_types = {
        for (From i=0 To numberOf(message_types)) {
           // First, register messages we intend to
           // receive.
           // Second, require that inbound field is
           // set to true.  Otherwise, we will see the messages that we
           // send as well. 

           classifier.subscribe (message_type[i], verifyInbound);
        // Handles *all* events which stage is listening.
        // (Mandatory: Sandstorm requires this)
         method handleEvents(QueueElementIF array items) 
         throws EventHandlerException {
         for (From i=0 to numberOf(items)
        // Handles single event for this stage. handleEvents
        // method gives an item to this method as a parameter.
        // (Mandatory: Sandstorm requires this)
        method handleEvent(QueueElementIF item) {
        if (item instanceof StagesInitializedSignal) {
                // StagesInitializedSignal received
        } else if (item instanceof TapestryReadyMsg) {
                // Connected to network.            
                // do something else, if needed
        } else if (item instanceof TapestryDetachConfirm) {
                // Disconnected from network.
        } else if (item instanceof TapestryLocateFailure) {
                // Search failed.                       
        } else if (item instanceof StormLocateMsg) {
                // Handle StormLocateMsg with a custom method.
        } else if (item instanceof StormResponseMsg) {
                // Handle StormResponseMsg with a custom method.
        } else if ( item instanceof XXX ) {
                // Handle message XXX with a custom method.
        } else {                        
                //  Unknown QueueElementIF item
        // Handles a certain type of event (StormLocateMsg).
        method handleStormLocateMsg(item){
                results = performLocalSearch()
        // Handles a certain type of event (StormResponseMsg).
        method handleStormResponseMsg(item){
                response = createResponse()
        // Handles a certain type of event (XXX).
        method handleXXXMsg(item){
                // do something 
        // Create a Storm query to a Tapestry network,
        // Query tag is Storm block's GUID.
        method createQuery(){
                blockTag = new BlockIDTag(blockGUID)
                q = new StormQuery()
                queryMsg=  new StormLocateMsg(blockTag, q)
        // Dispatch TapestryPublishMsg for all blocks in a 
        // local Storm pool.
        method publishLocalStormPool(){         
                for each block in localPool
                        block = localPool.getBlock()
                        tag = new BlockIDTag(block.getGUID())                           
                        publishMsg = new 
                        TapestryPublishMsg(block.getGUID(), tag)
        // Dispatch TapestryUnpublishMsg for all blocks in a 
        // local Storm pool.
        method unpublishLocalStormPool(){               
                for each block in localPool
                        block = localPool.getBlock()
                        tag = new BlockIDTag(block.getGUID())                           
                        unpublishMsg = new 
                        TapestryUnpublishMsg(block.getGUID(), tag)
        // Dispatch TapestryPublishMsg for a single block in a 
        // local Storm pool.            
        method publishSingleStormBlock(blockGUID) {
                tag = new BlockIDTag(blockGUID)                         
                publishMsg = new 
                TapestryPublishMsg(blockGUID, tag)
        // Dispatch TapestryUnpublishMsg for a single block in a 
        // local Storm pool.            
        method unpublishSingleStormBlock(blockGUID) {
                tag = new BlockIDTag(blockGUID)                         
                unpublishMsg = new 
                TapestryUnpublishMsg(blockGUID, tag)
        // Sandstorm calls this method when it cleanups a stage.                                 
        method destroy() {
        // We do not have to anything here since Sandstorm does not use 
        // this method.

Appendix A

Sandstorm configuration files for Storm

According to the Tapestry programmer's guide, we have to have three different config files for a Storm peer:

  1. A config file for a federation Storm peer:

The federation peer is responsible for synchonizing and stabilizing the initial Tapestry network.

  1. A config file for a static Storm peer(s)

Number of static peers are required for bootstrapping a Tapestry network. A static peer uses the TClient stage for routing table operations.

  1. A config file for a dynamic Storm peer

This is a 'normal' Storm peer. These kind of peers can join and leave a network dynamically. A dynamic peer uses DTClient stage for routing table operations.

Once the initial static network is stabilized, dynamic peers can join the network.

For more information how a Tapestry network is bootstrapped and stabilized, please see the Tapestry programmer's guide. Here's an example config file for a dynamic Storm peer as the config file includes the DTClient stage.

# Example Sandstorm configuration file for Storm/Tapestry.
# !!! Please notice that the documentation of this file is based
# on a config file distributed within the Tapestry/SEDA 2.0 release. Some
# parts of this config file are edited to provide better idea which parts
# 'Storm specific', mandatory/optional &c  !!!
# The '#' starts a comment which extends to the end of the line
# This file uses an XML-like format consisting of nested sections.
# Most of the sections of this file are optional. The complete set of
# options is given here just to document their use, and leaving options 
# unspecified causes them to use their default values. In general it is
# a good idea to just use the defaults.

# The outermost section in the file must be called 'sandstorm'.

# Global options

# The default thread manager for stages. 
# Allowable values are 'TPSTM' (thread-per-stage) and 'TPPTM' 
# (thread-per-CPU). 
defaultThreadManager TPSTM   

# Options for TPSTM thread manager
# Enable the thread governor. This resizes the thread pool for each
# stage when the stage's incoming event queue reaches its threshold.
governor false
# The sampling delay (in milliseconds) for the thread governor.
governorDelay 2000
# The maximum number of threads allocated to each thread pool
governorMaxThreads 10

# Options for TPPTM thread manager
# The number of CPUs in the system. Eventually this will be
# determined automatically.
numCpus 1
# The maximum number of threads to allocate.
# In general this value should be equal to numCpus.
maxThreads 1

# The Sandstorm profiler is extremely valuable for understanding the 
# performance of applications, and for identifiying bottlenecks
# specify whether the Sandstorm system profiler should be enabled.
enable false

# specify the samplying delay(in milliseconds) for the profiler.
# Default is 1000 ms.
delay 1000

# specify the filename that the profile will be written to.
# default is ./sandstorm-profile.txt
filename /tmp/sandstorm-profile.txt

# specify the graphfilename that the graph profile will be written to.
# default is ./sandstorm-graph.txt
graphfilename /tmp/sandstorm-graph.txt

# specify whether the profile should generate a graph of stage
# connectivity during runtime.  Default is false.
graph false

# specify whether the outgoing queue length for sockets should be
# included in the profile.  Default value is false.
sockets false


# Global parameters are defined here, for instance, we could define
# my_node_id ip-address:port


# Each stage is defined by a <stage> section


# The name of the stage as registered with the system. Mandatory.

# The   fully-qualified classname of the stage's event handler. Mandatory.

# The size of the event queue threshold for this stage. Optional.
# The default is -1, which indicates an infinite threshold.
queueThreshold 1000

# Initial arguments to pass to the event handler's init() method
# Some parameters for this stage


class ostore.tapestry.impl.Router
queueThreshold 1000
# Some parameters for this stage
dynamic_route dynamic

# The name of the stage as registered with the system. Mandatory.
# The fully-qualified classname of the stage's event handler. Mandatory.
class ostore.tapestry.impl.DynamicTClient

# The size of the event queue threshold for this stage. Optional.
# The default is -1, which indicates an infinite threshold.
queueThreshold 1000
# Initial arguments to pass to the event handler's init() method
# An IP address of a gateway peer which bootsraps us into a Tapestry network
# This is a mandatory for a dynamic Storm peer
gateway ${GatewayID}
# This parameter tells Tapestry to threat local routing tables dynamically
dynamic_route dynamic

# This stage is not mandatory
# Patchwork stage can be used to monitor neighbor links' conditions &c   
# list here some arguments which we want to define

# The name of the stage as registered with the system. Mandatory.
class org.nongnu.storm.p2p.tapestry.StormTapestryManager
queueThreshold 1000

# Initial arguments to pass to the event handler's init() method
# list here some arguments which we want to define


</sandstorm>  # End of the configuration file

Also, any parameter's value can be set using a command line arguments. For more information about Sandstorm's config files, please refer to the documentation distributed with the SEDA/Sandstorm release (included with the Tapestry 2.0 release).

Running Storm with Tapestry

To run Tapestry with Storm, we must use the following syntax.

sandstorm <storm-configfile-name>

where sandstorm is a script distributed within the Sandstorm package and <storm-configfile-name> is the Sandstorm configuration file for Storm.

Also, we can use Perl scripts to handle more complex usage scenarios. In the Tapestry 2.0 release, Perl scripts are used to create dynamic configuration scripts for regression tests.


Eight new classes will be implemented under org.nongnu.storm.p2p.tapestry package into the Storm code base, if this PEG document is accepted.