PEG transform_concatInverse--tjl:

Author: Tuomas J. Lukka
Revision: 1.1
Status: Current

The transform_concat--tjl PEG left one type of concatenation out, which will make things slightly more efficient. Concatenating the inverse of one coordinate system to another can be done in a single operation instead of two.

This is a useful operation in, e.g., the View2D stuff in FenPDF.


System Message: ERROR/3 (../ffdoc/libvob/pegboard/transform_concatInverse--tjl/peg.rst, line 19)

Section empty; must have contents.


The OpenGL libvob already implements invert as

public int invert(int f) {
    return concatInverse(0, f);

This peg proposes to add concatInverse into the official VobScene definition.

Add into VobScene:

public int concatInverseCS(int into, Object key, int other) ;

and VobCoorder:

/** Create a new transformation that is the concatenation 
 * of an existing transformation and the inverse of another
 * transformation.
 * If we look at the transformations as x' = f(x) and x' = g(x) then
 * the result of this operation is a transformation h,
 * for which h(x) = f(g^-1(x)) always.
public int concatInverse(int f, int g) ;