In file ./include/vob/Vob.hxx:

namespace Vob

Transform Design of the C Design of LibVob Transform Design of the C Design of LibVob vobs_overall_2
The main namespace for libvob.


The main namespace for libvob. All libvob symbols are placed in this namespace.

class Vob
A vob: an object that knows how to render itself, given a number of coordinate transforms
class Vob0: public Vob
A vob which uses no coordinate systems.
class Vob1: public Vob
A vob which uses one coordinate system.
class Vob2: public Vob
A vob which uses two coordinate systems.
class Vob3: public Vob
A vob which uses two coordinate systems.
template<class VobSeed> class Vob0Maker: public Vob0, public VobSeed
A template class which implements Vob, given a class with a render() method.
template<class VobSeed> class Vob1Maker: public Vob1, public VobSeed
A template class which implements Vob, given a class with a render(t) method.
template<class VobSeed> class Vob2Maker: public Vob2, public VobSeed
A template class which implements Vob, given a class with a render(t0, t1) method.
template<class VobSeed> class Vob3Maker: public Vob3, public VobSeed
A template class which implements Vob, given a class with a render(t0, t1, t2) method.
template<class VobSeed> class VobNMaker: public Vob, public VobSeed
A template class which implements Vob, given a class with a render(t **, n) method.
namespace Perlin
Perlin's noise function & co.
bool parallelRectIntersect(ZPt &p1, ZPt &p2, ZPt &p3, ZPt &p4)
Checks if two parallel rectangle intersects.
bool parallelRectWithin(ZPt &p1, ZPt &p2, ZPt &p3, ZPt &p4)
Checks if two parallel rectangle are within each other.
void findBoundingBox(const Transform* t, ZPt &p1, ZPt &p2)
Finds the bounding box of coordsys' box after transformation.
void findDistortedBoundingBox(const Transform* t, ZPt &p1, ZPt &p2)
Finds the bounding box of coordsys' box after transformation.
inline float compute_w(Pt a, Pt b, Pt c)
Compute w value for the point d in quadrilateral a,b,c,d Use w(b,c,d), w(a,c,d), w(a,b,d), w(a,b,c) to get compatible w values for all vertices
template<class Coords> void draw(const Coords &coords, const vector<ZPt> &pt, const vector<ZVec> &norm, float texscale, float linewidth, float refsize, float scale_pow, float border0, float border1, float texslicing, const float c0[], const float c1[], int angles, int multi, unsigned flags)
Draws an irregular edge.
template<class F> double findZero1D(const F &f, double low, double high, int nrounds, bool &success)
A simple 1D zero finder that starts with two points where the function must have a different sign
class RenderingSurface
An abstract OpenGL rendering surface
class Window: public RenderingSurface
An OpenGL rendering surface in a physical window
class WindowSystem
The overall singleton wrapper class for the current window system.
namespace Paper
A class for rendering parts of infinite planes with affine mappings of texture coordinates
struct TexAccum: public Stats::Collector
A class that allows accumulation of estimated LODs of textured polys.
struct QuadFont
A font described as quads from textures
class DisablableIdentity: public Box, public DisablablePrimitiveTransform
A disablable identity transformation.
class Cull: public DisablableIdentity, public DependentPrimitiveTransform
Culling transform can decide not to be drawn when its parents' boxes do not intersect
struct Concat: public PrimitiveTransform, public PotentiallyGLPerformablePrimitiveTransform, public DependentPrimitiveTransform, public BoxPrimitiveTransform, public DumpingPrimitiveTransform
A transform which applies another transform to points before giving them to its parent transform.
struct ConcatInverse: public Concat
A transform which applies the inverse of another transform to points before giving them to its parent transform.
class TranslateXYZ: public PrimitiveTransform, public GLPerformablePrimitiveTransform
A simple translation in 3 dimensions.
class ScaleXYZ: public PrimitiveTransform, public GLPerformablePrimitiveTransform
A simple scale in 3 dimensions.
template<class T> struct Vec_Explicit: public T, public ParametrizedPrimitiveTransform
Expose the vec in TranslateXYZ and ScaleXYZ and possibly others explicitly
typedef Vec_Explicit<TranslateXYZ> TranslateXYZ_Explicit
An explicit translation by a 3D vector.
typedef Vec_Explicit<ScaleXYZ> ScaleXYZ_Explicit
An explicit scale by a 3D vector.
class RotateXY: public PrimitiveTransform, public GLPerformablePrimitiveTransform
Rotation clockwise.
class RotateXY_Explicit: public RotateXY, public ParametrizedPrimitiveTransform
An explicit parametrization of clockwise rotation.
class RotateCenteredXY: public PrimitiveTransform, public GLPerformablePrimitiveTransform
Rotation clockwise around given point.
class NadirUnitSq: public RotateCenteredXY, public BoxPrimitiveTransform, public DependentPrimitiveTransform
Nadir rotation around unit square center
class Unit: public PrimitiveTransform, public GLPerformablePrimitiveTransform
A no-op: same coords in and out
class Box: public PrimitiveTransform, public GLPerformablePrimitiveTransform, public BoxPrimitiveTransform
Set the box size, otherwise no action.
class Box_Explicit: public Box, public ParametrizedPrimitiveTransform
The explicit parametrization of Box, with
class RotateXYZ: public PrimitiveTransform, public GLPerformablePrimitiveTransform
Rotation in 3-space
class RotateXYZ_Explicit: public RotateXYZ, public ParametrizedPrimitiveTransform
Explicit parametrization of rotation in 3-space.
class RotateXYZ_Quaternion: public RotateXYZ, public ParametrizedPrimitiveTransform
Quaternion parametrization of rotation in 3-space.
class AffineXY: public PrimitiveTransform, public GLPerformablePrimitiveTransform
Affine coordinate system (in xy), offset in z.
class AffineXY_Explicit: public AffineXY, public ParametrizedPrimitiveTransform
Explicit parametrization of affine.
class Ortho: public PrimitiveTransform, public GLPerformablePrimitiveTransform
Orthogonal coordinate system (in xy), offset in z.
class Ortho_Explicit: public Ortho, public ParametrizedPrimitiveTransform
Explicit parametrization of ortho.
class BuoyOnCircle1: public Ortho
A buoy coordinate system
class BuoyOnCircle2_Explicit: public BuoyOnCircle2, public ParametrizedPrimitiveTransform
A better parametrization of buoys.
class OrthoBox: public Ortho, public BoxPrimitiveTransform
Orthonormal transformation along with setting the box size of the coordinate system
class OrthoBox_Explicit: public OrthoBox, public ParametrizedPrimitiveTransform
Explicit parametrization of OrthoBox.
class UnitSqBox: public ScaleXYZ, public DependentPrimitiveTransform
A coordinate system which has as its "unit square" the box of its parent.
namespace Primitives
Primitive transformations and templates to allow their use hierarchically.
namespace ImageLoader
Interfaces for image loading
template<class T> class ObjectStorer
A template for storing (owning pointers to) objects by integer ids
struct DebugSwitch
Turn on/off the given debug variable.
struct SortedConnections
A vob which is used for graph rendering: given a number of coordinate systems, it *sorts* them to angle order and calls its child vob for each pair.
struct IterConnections
A vob which is used for graph rendering: given a number of coordinate systems, it calls its child vob for each
struct Fillet3DBlend
Draw a surface of blended fillets
struct TransMatrix
Cause the given GL matrix with to contain the matrix for the given transformation.
struct TestStateRetainSetup
Test that a given set of Vobs pushes and pops the OpenGL state appropriately.
struct TestStateRetainTest
Test that a given set of Vobs pushes and pops the OpenGL state appropriately.
class IrregularQuad
coords1: paper => window coords2: tearaway => paper (assumed to be affine) The rectangular paper from which the tearaway is torn away is [x0,y0][x1,y1] in paper coordinates (as in PaperQuad) and the tearaway part is [-1,1]x[-1,1] in tearaway coordinates.
class IrregularEdge
coords1: paper => window coords2: frame => paper (assumed to be affine)
std::pair<Pt,Pt> texDerivs(Pt v00, Pt v01, Pt v10, Pt t00, Pt t01, Pt t10)
In a triangle with the given vertices, find the change of t at unit change of v in x or y direction
template<class str> struct TextSuper4Base
An implemenentation of text rendering using 4 texunits for supersampling.
struct CopyTexSubImage2D
Copy into the currently bound texture a rectangle from the screen.
struct TexSubImage2D
Call CopyTexSubImage from a ByteVector
struct LineConnector
A line (in screen space) drawn between the centers of two coordinate systems
struct PinStub
A line drawn from the center of the first coordinate system towards the center of another coordinate system and the end decorated with a circle
struct CallList
Call the given display list
struct CallListCoorded: public CallList
Call the given display list, with the GL transformation matrix set from the given transformation.
struct CallListBoxCoorded: public CallList
Call the given display list, with the GL transformation matrix set from the given transformation's box.
struct Quad
For debugging differences between GL and real transformations, and for just drawing a diced quad (inefficiently!).
struct TransTest
Timing transformations
struct SelectVob
A Vob to draw a selection with 3 'selection modes'.
void javaExc(JNIEnv* env, const char* where)
If an exception occurred, print a debug message for it and clear it
bool GLERR_JNI_impl(JNIEnv* env, const char* file, int line)
If an OpenGL exception has occurred, throw it to Java and return true

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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