In file ./include/vob/stats/TexAccum.hxx:

struct Vob::TexAccum

A class that allows accumulation of estimated LODs of textured polys.


A class that allows accumulation of estimated LODs of textured polys. Used to estimate what mipmap level of texture would be required.

[more]double pixels[NLEVELS]
The number of pixels estimated to have been rendered at each level of detail.
[more]void add(ZPt &p1, ZPt &p2, ZPt &p3, Pt &t1, Pt &t2, Pt &t3, float texAreaMult)
Add a triangle.

odouble pixels[NLEVELS]
The number of pixels estimated to have been rendered at each level of detail. Level 0 : texture coordinates (0,1)x(0,1) == 1 pixel, Level 1 : texture coordinates (0,.5)x(0,.5) == 1 pixel, ...

ovoid add(ZPt &p1, ZPt &p2, ZPt &p3, Pt &t1, Pt &t2, Pt &t3, float texAreaMult)
Add a triangle. Currently, this will calculate a rough estimate of the LOD, assuming isotropic transformations, by calculating the ratio of the areas; a more accurate algorithm may be substituted later.
p1 - ,p2,p3 The corners in screen space, in pixel coords
t1 - ,t2,t3 The corners in texture coordinate space.
texAreaMult - The area in texture space will be multiplied by this.

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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