In file ./include/vob/Transform.hxx:

class RootCoords

A null transformation: directly the OpenGL coordinates


A null transformation: directly the OpenGL coordinates


RootCoords - Transform

Inherited from Transform:

Public Methods

ovirtual bool shouldBeDrawn() const
ovirtual ZPttransform (const ZPt &p) const ((pure))
ovirtual void vertex(const ZPt &p) const
ovirtual boolisNonlinear () const ((pure))
ovirtual floatnonlinearity (const ZPt &p, float radius) const ((pure))
ovirtual boolcanPerformGL () const ((pure))
ovirtual bool performGL() const
ovirtual const Transform& getInverse() const
ovirtual void dump(std::ostream &out) const
ovirtual PtgetSqSize () const ((pure))

This class has no child classes.

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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