In file ./include/vob/text/QuadFont.hxx:

struct Vob::QuadFont

A font described as quads from textures


A font described as quads from textures

[more]int textureLayers
The number of textures to be placed in the texture units
[more]int textureCoords
The number of texture coordinates used
[more]vector<GLenum> textureUnits
The texture unit tokens into which the textures are to be placed
[more]vector<GLenum> coordTextureUnits
The texture unit tokens for which texture coordinates need to be set.
[more]vector<GLenum> textureTargets
The texture targets the textures should be loaded
[more]vector<GLuint> textures
The actual texture ids.
[more]void setNTextureLayers(int n, int npages)
Set the number of texture layers.
[more]void bindTextures(int texIndex)
Bind the textures corresponding to the given index
[more]int nGlyphs
The number of glyphs
[more]vector<int> textureIndex
The texture indices.
[more]vector<float> coordinates
The quad coordinates.
[more]vector<float> advances
The advances.

oint textureLayers
The number of textures to be placed in the texture units

oint textureCoords
The number of texture coordinates used

ovector<GLenum> textureUnits
The texture unit tokens into which the textures are to be placed

ovector<GLenum> coordTextureUnits
The texture unit tokens for which texture coordinates need to be set. For vertex and fragment programs, the this may be different from the above.

ovector<GLenum> textureTargets
The texture targets the textures should be loaded

ovector<GLuint> textures
The actual texture ids. An interleaved vector, with textureLayers textures on the first level.

ovoid setNTextureLayers(int n, int npages)
Set the number of texture layers. Discards all glyphs since changing this is kind of big.

ovoid bindTextures(int texIndex)
Bind the textures corresponding to the given index

oint nGlyphs
The number of glyphs

ovector<int> textureIndex
The texture indices. Used to index the textures array, with multiplier textureLayers. -1 for "no such glyph".

ovector<float> coordinates
The quad coordinates. These are stored in a single array so we can, in the future, bind and download this to the GPU and just index it, along with a vector of offsets (the cumulative sum of the advances). Stored as groups of 8: x0, y0, x1, y1, tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1.

ovector<float> advances
The advances. Only horizontal text supported here so far.

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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