In file ./include/vob/geom/Fillets2.hxx:

struct EllipseCircleFillet

An elliptical fillet meeting a circle.


An elliptical fillet meeting a circle. All the parameters that specify the shape come from outside.

[more]Vec dirTang
Direction vector pointing to the point where the fillet touches the circle
[more]Vec elli
Lengths of the half axes
[more] EllipseCircleFillet( const CircularNode &node, const LinearConnectionHalf &conn, float ta )
Make a new fillet.
[more]bool overlaps(const EllipseCircleFillet &other) const
Returns true if either of the directions where the circles are tangent is inside the other fillet area.

oVec dirTang
Direction vector pointing to the point where the fillet touches the circle

oVec elli
Lengths of the half axes

o EllipseCircleFillet( const CircularNode &node, const LinearConnectionHalf &conn, float ta )
Make a new fillet.
ta - The tangent angle, i.e. always positive angle between connection line and tangent line.

obool overlaps(const EllipseCircleFillet &other) const
Returns true if either of the directions where the circles are tangent is inside the other fillet area. This is not *quite* the same as the trivial definition of overlapping: it returns false if the tangent points are past the connections.

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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