In file ./include/vob/trans/DisablablePrimitives.hxx:

class Vob::DisablableIdentity

A disablable identity transformation.


A disablable identity transformation. A transformation which produces exactly the same output as its parent, including the box size, but which may at setParams time disable itself.


DisablableIdentity - Box - PrimitiveTransform

DisablableIdentity - DisablablePrimitiveTransform

Public Fields

[more]bool enabled
The flag that determines whether this transformation is enabled

Inherited from Box:

Inherited from PrimitiveTransform:

Inherited from GLPerformablePrimitiveTransform:

Inherited from BoxPrimitiveTransform:

Inherited from DisablablePrimitiveTransform:

obool enabled
The flag that determines whether this transformation is enabled

Direct child classes:

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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