In file ./include/vob/lines/Lines.hxx:

class Lines::ContinuousLine

ContinuousLine is line constructed from various points.


ContinuousLine is line constructed from various points. It bends on points between the fisrt and the last point.



Public Methods

[more] ContinuousLine (GLuint textId, float lineWidth, vector<ZPt> points, int joinStyle, bool chain)
ContinuousLine is line constructed from various points.
[more]void draw ()
Draw the continuous line on the screen

o ContinuousLine(GLuint textId, float lineWidth, vector<ZPt> points, int joinStyle, bool chain)
ContinuousLine is line constructed from various points. It bends in given points.

textId - texture's id - must be > 0.
joinStyle - "Bevel", "Miter" or "Round"
lineWidth - line's width
chain - join first and last point
points - ZPt points a,b,c etc. { ax,ay,az, bx,by,bz, cx,cy,cz, etc.. }

ovoid draw()
Draw the continuous line on the screen

This class has no child classes.

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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