Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 21:37:19 +0200 From: Tuomas Lukka <> To: gzz developers list <> Subject: [Gzz] Benchmark experiments: what to do and what not

Ok, some things to point out to Matti and others about how to design benchmark experiments to find out bottlenecks, focused on OpenGL rendering.

  1. Create a SINGLE VOBSCENE that shows the problem
  2. Render it thousands of times and measure the time, in timeRender().

This is the only way to get really meaningful results. The reasons are:

After this, vary parameters in the one scene and little by little, isolate what the bottleneck in it is.

Then, make a simple benchmark that has just the bottleneck in one scene. Again, using timeRender().

Once we have this, we can really start working on speeding up the code. Anything less and we'll be shooting around blindly.


Small example by Matti(not tested, though)

from org.nongnu.libvob import AbstractUpdateManager 

# Draw n letter vobs and benchmark it by pressing Ctrl-b
class SmallScene:
    def __init__(self):
        self.count = 0
    def scene(self, vs):
        bgcolor = (0.6, 0.7, 0.8)
        putnoc(vs, background(bgcolor))

        alph = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
        r = java.util.Random()
        size = vs.getSize()

        for i in range(0, self.count):
            cs = vs.translateCS(0, 'TEXT'+str(count),
            putText(vs, cs, alph[(i%len(alph)], color=(0,0,0), h=14, y=10)
    def benchmark(self):
        for self.count in range(0,801,100):
            vs = w.createVobScene()

            # if need to see what happens

            # render time with 1000 iterations
            print self.count,' letter vobs, ',\
                  'render time: ', w.timeRender(vs, 1000)

            # render time to create 1000 vobscenes
            time = System.currentTimeMillis()
            for i in range(0,1000):
                vs = w.createVobScene()
            print self.count,' letter vobs, ',\
                  'vobscene creation time: ', \
                  System.currentTimeMillis() - time 
    def key(self, k):
        if k == "Ctrl-B":

currentScene = SmallScene()