An easier iteration API for Swamp

Author: Benja Fallenstein
Status: Current

As explained in swamp_easier--benja, Swamp must become easier to use. One problem to solve is that iterating through triples isn't as easy as it should be, particularly when you want to iterate e.g. through all triples with a particular predicate, with any subject and object.

This PEG proposes a way to iterate through a set of triples, without creating a Java object for each triple, by having a special iterator-like object that has three nodes at each iteration step (RDF subject, predicate, and object).

This would be returned by the old findN_XXX() or the proposed find() methods (see other PEG).



We shall use an iterator-like object, TripleIter, with the following API:

Object subj, pred, obj;

(These are null when the object hasn't been initialized, i.e., next() hasn't been called yet.)

/** Advance to the next triple. */ void next();

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/** Whether there are any more triples to iterate through. */ boolean hasNext();

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Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
/** Indicate that this <code>TripleIter</code> object won't be
  • used any more.
  • This shall only be called by the code that has requested
  • this object from <code>ConstGraph</code> (through
  • <code>.get()</code>). It's purpose is to tell the
  • <code>ConstGraph</code> that it can be re-used for the
  • next <code>get()</code>; <code>ConstGraph</code> can then
  • cache <code>TripleIter</code> objects, making life easier
  • for the garbage collector.
  • <p>
  • Calling this method is not obligatory. (If you don't,
  • this object will be garbage-collected normally.)

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Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

void free();

boolean loop() {
if(hasNext()) {
next(); return true;
} else {
free(); return false;

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Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.


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Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.


The purpose of loop() is to enable the common loop pattern,

for(TripleIter i = graph.find(...); i.loop();) {
    // ...

which would otherwise have to be written as:

TripleIter i;
for(i = graph.find(...); i.hasNext(); {
    // ...

This isn't just harder to read, it also scopes i wrongly. With the loop() pattern, the scope of i is the body of the loop, which is exactly the code executed before free() is called.

(This will be expressed in TripleIter's javadoc.)

- Benja