Functional programming in Fenfire

Some design & implementation notes



Generating a complete view from the RDF graph is a relatively computation-intensive task. Most of the graph remains unchanged between frames, and therefore caching partial results can give significant performance gains.

The extreme version of this is the use of scene graphs and applying modifications to them; however, this gives us an additional layer where bugs can occur, as there is more state in view code, and we need to be able to do the same operations through several different changes.

An interesting system we've formulated and started using slowly during the past few years uses concepts from functional programming languages and their implementation to get the best of both worlds.

In functional programming, a function is by definition a pure function: given the same inputs, a function always returns the same value. The return value cannot depend on anything else except the identity of the function and the inputs.

These restrictions allow the use of caching and other types of optimizations for pure functions.

Conventions to be used in Fenfire (not yet completely obeyed):

  • any pure functions shall have the word Pure in their name.

Node functions

The generalization of pure functions to functions of a part of a mutable RDF graph is non-trivial. Our solution is to allow observing of the RDF graph, i.e. the RDF graph can be requested to call a callback whenever the result of a given query changes.

The Swamp RDF API has special support for this: the ConstGraph interface has the method getObservedConstGraph(Obs o), which will return a graph whose queries will return the same values, but which automatically sets up the triggers.

This is useful for creating a cache of node function values, since the cache can simply call the cached function with an observed graph, without the PureNodeFunction having to know about it in any way. This is how CachedPureNodeFunction is implemented.

Super-lazy functions

Once the first frame has been created, the next frame is faster due to the caches. However, this doesn't help the first frame which may lag badly, and other frames that bring a lot of new things to view.

The innovation here is to use super-lazy functions which, when a value is requested, return a placeholder and schedule themselves to be calculated in the background at a later date, using a Background object.

Now, swamp is not thread-safe so if the background that is used uses a separate thread, synchronization has to be taken care of by the user.

Mixing functions

Functions used in FenPDF

SpanImageFactory is a mapping from ``ImageSpan``s to ``SpanImageVob``s.

System Message: WARNING/2 (../ffdoc/fenfire/Functional.rst, line 93); backlink

Inline literal start-string without end-string.

System Message: WARNING/2 (../ffdoc/fenfire/Functional.rst, line 93); backlink

Inline literal start-string without end-string.

PageScroll2LayoutPureFunction maps ``PageScroll``s to ``PageSpanLayout``s.

System Message: WARNING/2 (../ffdoc/fenfire/Functional.rst, line 95); backlink

Inline literal start-string without end-string.

System Message: WARNING/2 (../ffdoc/fenfire/Functional.rst, line 95); backlink

Inline literal start-string without end-string.


// (c) Tuomas J. Lukka

package org.fenfire.spanimages;
import org.nongnu.alph.*;

/** A super-lazy wrapper of SpanImageFactory.
 * @see SuperLazyPureNodeFunction
 * @see SpanImageFactory
public class SuperLazySpanImageFactory extends SpanImageFactory {

    public SuperLazySpanImageFactory(int n, final SpanImageFactory fact,
                        Obs recalcObs) {
        superLazyFunc = new SuperLazyPureNodeFunction(n, null,
            new PureNodeFunction() {
                public Object f(ConstGraph g, Object o) {
                    return fact.getSpanImageVob(null,

    abstract public SpanImageVob getSpanImageVob(ImageSpan s);