In file ./include/callgl.hxx:

namespace CallGL

CallGL allows dynamic execution of OpenGL commands from strings


CallGL allows dynamic execution of OpenGL commands from strings

extern bool dbg
Set to true for debug output from CallGL
void callGL(const char* string)
Execute OpenGL commands.
void compileGL(const char* string, GLuint intoList)
Convenience: compile the given callGL string into the display list given as parameter.
GLenum getTokenValue(const char* string)
Get an OpenGL token value for the given string.
const char* getTokenString(GLenum value)
Get (if available) an OpenGL token name for the given value.
const char* getStringname one of "VENDOR", "RENDERER", "VERSION", "EXTENSIONS"
Equivalent to glGetString() but with a token string argument.
std::vector<float> getFloat(const char* pname)
Equivalent to glGetFloatv() but with strings
std::vector<float> getProgram(const char* target, const char* name)
Equivalent to glGetFProgram() but with strings
std::vector<float> getTexParameterFloat(const char* target, GLuint tex, const char* pname)
Equivalent to glGetTexParameterfv() but with strings
std::vector<float> getTexLevelParameterFloat(const char* target, GLuint tex, GLuint level, const char* pname)
Equivalent to glGetTexLevelParameterfv() but with strings
bool loadProgram(GLuint id, const std::string source)
Load an OpenGL program into the driver.
class DisplayList
A simple automatic display list object.
class CallGLCode
An instance of CallGL code compiled into a display list.
class ProgID
A simple automatic NVIDIA program id object.
template<GLuint TARGET> class Program
An instance of a GL program (eg.

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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