Tasks for storm sometime for proxy: - URI decoding and encoding - HTML encoding - web form for requesting a block by URN 0.1alpha1: First separate release anybody: - port tests from gzz. 0.2: Development benja: - finish Storm redesign - diffing - move out of lava/ - PEGs + multiplexing Storm pool? + demo implementation on top of GISP + asynchronous network lookups + write PEG about existing interfaces - TOTAL UML documentation for all classes involved in the save/load stuff, collaboration diagrams etc. The path from structure to bytes and bytes to structure needs to be ABSOLUTELY clear and transparent. - fix urn-5 application, which says "pseudo-random number (160 or more bytes)" and 'SHA-1 assumes uniqueness of 160 byte identifiers" should be bits!! Need to send version 1.1?