============ Plan: ============ Teaching ======== - Start working on lecture material - Divide the content to lecturers. - Add more information to course homepage - Lectures and smushing Research and thesis =================== - Arrange a meeting with ajk about thesis. - but before that *do* something for it! - 2005-03-15 Deadline of the Fenix application - Signature from someone in the University - This has to be done in 2005-03-12. ============= Past: ============= 2005-02-24/25 - Got darcsbot running. It's not polling private darc(s)hive yet. - Create a simple homepage for course (not translated yet) 2005-02-23: - Started darcsbot 2005-02-22: - Very simple and sophisticated calendar view. - How to fix it? 2005-02-19: - Finally got the mouse events to focused spatial lob - Use StructView as THE structure lob :) - Buoy events are still hard to fix. - The problem is buoy coordinates - I think. 2005-02-16/17: - Sleep and rest. 2005-02-15: - siksak moved to a mouse hole. 2005-02-13/16: - Tried to change the structure thing to lob system during night and daylight. No success. [3d] 2005-02-12: - Read "Programming Environments Based on Structured Editors: The MENTOR Experience" [2h] - There was two modes but not clear what they meant with those. - p7. """Furthermore we intended this environment to be realistic enough to help in implementing large software developments, and provide a programming team with tools for specifying a design, enforcing a programming methodology and verifying interfaces.""" - p14. """One of the most commonly heard criticism of MENTOR is that it should be possible to edit programs on yout screen in the same way as for instance with EMACS editor. We do not believe that this would be an easy task, and we do not even think such a facility is really desirable.""" - p15. """Finally, a major drawback of mixing structured editing and display editing is that the user would have to learn hot to use two command languages instead of one.""" - p15. """It seems that in the average a PASCAL programmer need about a week to get accusted to this new world of trees." ..."Past this period, few return to the standard tools.""" - p15. """However, it is very important that the user may correspond to the system trough the concrete syntax he is used to: he should be able to visualise his tree with unparsing, and conversely input his program text with parsing.""" 2005-02-09: - With Benja: - Started The Fenfire! [3h] 2005-02-08: - Start journals again. - Implement with Benja [5h] - unitSq for AWT - This was quite a fun since it was buggy and the AWTVobCoorder had some crap from history. - Btw. always use non symmetric rectangle to test something! It took quite long to found the bug. - between cs - translate polar - Discussion with Benja about views. [2-3h] - I enjoyed after selling my idea to Benja who tried to sell like fury his idea to me :) 2005-02-07: - Ported buoy cs from C++ side to AWT. [5h]