Vobs - a novel 2 1/2D UI framework LibVob contains implementations for the framework both in C++ OpenGL and in Java AWT. In addition, there's a JNI bridge for using the OpenGL implementation from Java. OpenGL requires a wrapper file under src/os per each operating platform (currently, the only one is for GLX on Linux). Before compiling, you should have: * Boost.org libraries version 1.30 (the Debian package is called libboost-dev) * JAVAHOME pointing to the JDK, which should contain one of: * include/linux/jni.h * include/kaffe/jni.h * include/jni.h * GL (e.g. package xlibmesa-gl-dev and possibly others) * Glut (Package libglut3-dev) * The GdkPixBuf library (Debian package libgdk-pixbuf-dev) * Freetype (Debian package libfreetype6-dev) * The http://himalia.it.jyu.fi/darcs/navidoc/ repository checked out as ../navidoc and compiled * The http://himalia.it.jyu.fi/darcs/depends/ repository checked out as ../depends Alternatively, instead of getting the depends/ package, you can install the dependencies individually and set your classpath to include them. There is no list of the actual dependencies here because someone would certainly forget to add a new one, which would cause headaches to users. Instead, search for CLASSPATH in the Makefile, and look for the list of jars it imports from the depends directory; you can then head over to http://himalia.it.jyu.fi/darcs/depends/ and figure out what these jars are and how to install them. Ok, it's not easy, but if you want easy, just get the depends/ repository and be done. In addition to the jars, Libvob needs the stuff in the boost/ directory in depends. Compile with command "make". You can compile only the Java code with "make java" (you won't need Boost then). We try to optimize the C++ compilation to the hardware platform. In case of problems, please have a look at the options ARCH and OPTIMIZE in file rules.mk. In the future, you should have the option of compiling only the C++ OpenGL graphics code, but at the moment the JNI bridge is built anyway.