Tasks for CallGL 0.1alpha1: First separate release tjl: - make it run jvk, mudyc: - packaging 0.1alpha2: Desirable stuff - .rst web page placeholder, simple abstract of what this is. - full spec of the input format, i.e. #, \, &c. What about program strings? 1.0: First public release jvk, mudyc: - list of functions not callable using callgl - completeness of other functions ISSUES: - How should we return arrays from CallGL::get* calls? - Should we replace all the CallGL:get*Float functions with one that takes a string parameter such as "TexLevelParameter 5 0 TEXTURE_WIDTH" or perhaps "TexLevelParameter 5 0", "TEXTURE_WIDTH"? - Should the callGL syntax be extended to support ';' separator and '\' line continuation? - Should ProgramString / LoadProgramNV be callGL:able? - Should we make CallGL::Program general, i.e., make it use CallGL::loadProgram and store the TARGET type in a member variable? - Should we provide for other formats than PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB? - Can we make callgl_objects usable in jni or does one have to duplicate the functionality of the Program and DisplayList wrapper classes in java?